Convention Countdown–Day 6?

I keep getting my day count off. I can’t imagine why…

13 hours today. I don’t have it all detailed out. I did a lot of e-mailing, a few phone calls. Touched base with some employees to make sure they were all on track with their convention assignments. We needed 60 of a particular item and the store had less than 20. They’ve promised they’ll have the rest in by Monday. Do we believe them?

I lost a distribution contract I was really hoping I’d get. Darn. It was a national product that would come with an existing customer base. We left it on good terms. That’s really important. I’ve had more than one deal come through a year or two down the road after I thought the chance was gone.

That was balanced out by another contract for that really cool product I mentioned awhile back. Yea!

Spent most of the day working on promotional materials–product cards, bookmarks, catalogs and other stuff to give out at the convention.

I have authors starting to arrive from out of town tomorrow. I need to get them to their motels, make sure they have everything they need. I will not be playing tour guide, but still, I want them to be able to see some fun Utah things while they’re here.

Also tomorrow I have relatives passing through who want to stop by and visit for an hour or two. And one of my dear, dear friends called and has cleaned out her clothes closet. She’s coming down from Salt Lake with several boxes of hand-me-downs—for me. I love it when she cleans out her closets. It’s more fun than Christmas. It doesn’t matter how busy I am. I’ll drop everything for free new clothes. 🙂

Another author is coming in to stuff that messed up product. Hopefully she can do it in one day. If not, her husband will come down on Saturday to finish the job.

And somewhere in the back of my mind is this nagging feeling that I’ve forgotten something important. I hate it when that happens. I never know until it’s too late whether I really have forgotten something, or it’s just a case of nerves.