Whitney Awards List

I received lots of titles and have updated the list in the sidebar. If you sent me a title and it’s not on the list, it’s because:

  1. I couldn’t find a working link to it
  2. The link you sent had info that indicated it was not published in 2007
  3. It was an e-book (which I don’t think are eligible) My mistake. E-books are eligible, as are self-published books.

Please make my life easier:
When you send a link, please be sure that it is correct. Do not add spaces in the URL, even if it’s really long.

By providing this list, I am in no way endorsing the quality or content of the titles on the list. This is for your information only. Read the books at your own risk.

I do know how to alphabetize:
For the one person who thinks I don’t know how to alphabetize book titles correctly, I know that the “A” and the “The” at the front of the titles don’t count. But you know, I have a real job and a real life which do not include alphabetizing the Whitney Award book list. Nor does it include categorizing them by genre or publisher–although you are welcome to do that yourself and put a link to your list in the comments of any of these posts. But back to alpahbetizing, I use Blogger’s Links List widget; I click “Alphabetize List” and it does the rest. (This is also why I must have a working link for each title. The Links List widget doesn’t let me list a title unless it has a link.)

Isn’t this amazing:
I knew LDS fiction was growing in leaps and bounds, but I had no idea. This list is certainly impressive, isn’t it? And we still have several months left in the year. Please, keep the new titles coming.

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