Title: Emma: Woman of Faith
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Release Date: June 2008
ISBN: 9781598116304
Size: 6×9, softcover
Genre: Historical
Emma stood alone at the edge of the Mississippi, pondering its lazy flow that was so familiar to her. . . . More than three decades had passed since she’d lost her precious Joseph. She had learned to live without him . . . but nothing had ever felt right without him. . . . “Joseph,” she whispered into the breeze as she lovingly fingered the worn gold beads encircling her throat, a gift from Joseph, one of the few tangible remnants of his love for her.
In this triumphant tribute, well-loved LDS author Anita Stansfield conveys Emma Smith’s greatness of spirit; her undying love for and loyalty to Joseph; her remarkable compassion, courage, and dignity; and her unwavering testimony of the Savior.
Joyful and poignant, insightful and moving, intense and reverent, this thoroughly researched fictional narrative paints an intimate portrait of the Lord’s “elect lady” through a love story that transcends time and embraces eternity.