Title: Bethlehem’s Star
Author: Bevan Olsen
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Release Date: September, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-59955-181-4
Size: 16 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, Paperback with envelope
Genre: Christmas
I’m a star, that’s right. I’m one that you won’t ever see.
But chances are that you’ve looked for and heard about me!
One day God brought me great news,
That I would shine in the sky for the King of the Jews!
My light swept through the night and covered the earth.
Prophecy was fulfilled that this was Jesus’ birth.
What was it like to be the star of Bethlehem? Those who love the Christmas story will enjoy Bethlehem’s Star. This tale will touch the heart of any age – the story of Christ’s birth from the star that shared its brilliance on that sacred scene long ago.