I Am Not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells

Title: I Am Not a Serial Killer

Author: Dan Wells

Publisher: Headline

Release Date: March 5, 2009

ISBN: 978-0755348817

Size: 288 pages, 5.5×8.5, softcover

Genre: Speculative

I Am Not a Serial Killer is the story of John Cleaver, a 15-year-old sociopath who works in a mortuary, dreams about death, and thinks he might be turning into a serial killer. He sets strict rules to keep himself “good” and “normal,” but when a real monster shows up in his town he has to let his dark side out in order to stop it–but without his rules to keep him in check, he might be more dangerous than the monster he’s trying to kill.

The book is currently available in the UK. It comes out in Germany this fall, and launches in the US in the Spring of 2010. You can buy it on amazon.co.uk, borders.co.uk, waterstones.com, and play.com. For overseas orders I recommend bookdepository.co.uk, which ships for free anywhere in the world.

Kindle version of book available in US.

US edition to be published by TOR; available March 30, 2010.