And the Winners Are. . .

Best Romance
Best Mystery/Suspense

Best Youth Fiction

Best Speculative

Best Historical

Best General Fiction

Best Novel by a New Author

Best Novel of the Year

Congratulations to all the Whitney winners!

(standing ovation, here!)

And thank you to the Whitney Academy and all those who helped in any way with the Gala and making these awards possible.

[And thank you to those who point out when I make a social blunder.)

6 thoughts on “And the Winners Are. . .”

  1. I agree that all of the winners deserved to win. It was so hard to choose in some of the categories, but I was pleased with how everything turned out. (Even though Stephanie Black beat my books out twice in one night to win!)

  2. Well done LDSP. Standing ovation here too.

    …and I still think J. Scott is a pigme or a native, but not a Savage.

  3. Thanks LDSP, it was an amazing night. I hope you were somewhere incognito in the audience–we sure appreciate all your support.

  4. Big congratulations to all the winners, to the finalists, and especially to all the behind the scenes people who labor hours to make these awards happen. Way to go, guys.

  5. It was a wonderful evening and gave me great hope for the future of writing in the LDS community.

  6. I go away for a week and, already, I’ve forgotten my writer’s Google identity. First, I did it on Annette Lyon’s blog and now here. The post above was from me…Tanya Parker Mills (in case I still don’t have it right).

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