Fatuous Friday: My Summer Reading List

I won’t be posting any reviews, but here is my Summer Reading Thing List:

  • Bone Warriors by Bron Bahlmann (Interested to see what a teen can do.)
  • Trail of Storms by Marcia Ward (One of my reviewers told me I had to read it. I am nothing, if not obedient.)
  • A few others that I’m waiting to come out later in the summer

2 thoughts on “Fatuous Friday: My Summer Reading List”

  1. Great list. I’ve heard good things about Lisa’s book. I’m going to read Tristi’s book and Marsha’s book.

    Thanks for sponsoring this!

  2. What a great list!

    I just finished Lisa’s book. It’s pretty good. My neighbor even called to comment on how much she liked it. So I guess that’s a thumbs up! =)

    I’m hoping to read Agent in Old Lace before school starts back up in June. Fingers crossed.

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