Regally Blonde by Heather Horrocks

Former beauty queen Jamie Summers has more problems than just world peace to worry about.

When Jamie returns to her hometown of Aspen Grove, her mother’s Chick Flick Clique friends are exceedingly curious about the state of her relationship with long-time boyfriend Christopher Ellington.

Jamie is curious, herself. When Christopher proposes for the third time, she hesitantly accepts. Since he immediately leaves for an extended overseas business trip, she’s relieved to have some time to get used to the idea, placing the ring safely beside her tiara and not mentioning it to anyone.

New neighbor David Stevens has good reason to avoid beautiful women, but when his three-year-old daughter Sunny sees Jamie, she’s convinced she’s her mommy. He begins to learn more about her, he realizes she’s not like his ex-wife, and he’s glad she’s not wearing any man’s ring.

How did life get so complicated so quickly? Jamie’s gone from Miss California to Miss America to Big Mistake. Is she about to lose everyone she’s come to care about?

Read excerpt

Title: Regally Blonde

Author: Heather Horrocks

Publisher: Word Garden Press

Release Date: May 29, 2012


Size: 270 pages, ebook (print version coming soon)

Genre: Romantic Comedy


Journey to the Fringe by Kelli Swofford Nielsen

Long ago, Stone Mages were revered in Lyria. They were men and women who could use powerful tradestones to harness their unique gifts of wind, rain, and earth to help those around them. But war with the Southern realm has threatened the mages with extinction. The truth about the tradestones has been lost, and the remaining magic is dwindling.

When Princess Ivy, the beloved daughter of the king, is abducted, it seems that all hope for Lyria is lost as well. But when an unlikely group of loyal subjects embarks on a dangerous journey to the far-distant Fringe, the hope of restoring crown and kingdom is renewed. Among the group is Simon, a fool with wisdom beyond his years; Gilda, a nonmagical witch; Burr, a young thief; and Merrick, a jaded sea captain. Their quest will test their courage, their strength, and their friendship.

But at the Fringe, they encounter a truth that will change everything they thought they knew about themselves, and this small band of heroes must embrace the power that is their birthright and stand together as Stone Mages of Lyria.

Title: Journey to the Fringe (The Stone Mage Wars, #1)

Author: Kelli Swofford Nielsen

Publisher: Shadow Mountain

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1609088330

Size: 368 pages, 6×9, hardcover

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

Camp NaNoWriMo

I just this morning found out about Camp NaNoWriMo in June. I tried to participate last year, but their website was not working right and eventually I gave up. But this year, it looks great. My mild-mannered alter-ego is going to participate.

Don’t know what Camp NaNoWriMo is? It’s a version of the regular NaNoWriMo (held in November), but held in June and again in August. It works better for students, teachers, and anyone who has more free time in the summer months than in November.

From their website:

At Camp NaNoWriMo you’ll get the support, encouragement, and resources you need to write a novel in a month. When you create an account, you’ll be able to:

  • plan your novel
  • track your noveling progress
  • create a cabin full of likeminded writers
  • receive online encouragement from staff, fellow campers, friends, and family

So, who’s with me? Post your NaNo user name so we can connect.

The Anniversary Waltz by Darrel Nelson

At their sixtieth anniversary party, Adam Carlson asks his wife, Elizabeth, for their customary waltz. After the dance they gather the family and share their story—a story of love and courage overcoming adversity and thriving in the face of overwhelming odds.

It’s the summer of 1946, and Adam has just returned from the war to his home in Reunion, Montana. At a town festival he meets Elizabeth Baxter, a young woman going steady with his former high school rival and now influential banker, Nathan Roberts.

When Adam and Elizabeth share a waltz in a deserted pavilion one evening, their feelings begin to grow and they embark on a journey, and a dance, that will last a lifetime.

Read excerpt

Title: The Anniversary Waltz

Author: Darrel Nelson

Publisher: Realms

Release Date: May 15, 2012

ISBN: 978-1616387150

Size: 304 pages, 5.5 x 8, softcover

Genre: General

Eyes of Light by Charissa Stastny

Suvi Goldstein seems like she has it all, yet buried secrets bind her to misery. Emotionally scarred and wounded as a child, she has fled her past into a life of sensual pleasures. Craving light she perceives in a few, yet feeling unworthy of goodness and love, she fights a battle between darkness and light to discover the divine within herself.

Austan Sandoval is the master of disguise and transformation. After successfully stealing 20 million dollars from Carlos Camacho’s drug cartel, he discovers the whereabouts of Suvi Goldstein, the daughter of a capable Israeli Mossad agent, and determines to win her trust and recruit her to his team. In the process though, he inadvertently falls in love, placing her life in great peril.

James Hinton, a missionary in Guatemala, serves the Lord and sacrifices all in His behalf to bring light to others.

In Eyes of Light, these three characters are tossed by the whirlwinds of life to meet in dramatic ways. Danger, love, heartache, sin and the cleansing power of Christ’s atonement combine in a battle for these souls in a contemporary fairy tale that will capture your heart.

Read excerpt

Title: Eyes of Light

Author: Charissa Stastny

Publisher: Self

Release Date: May 9, 2012

ISBN: 978-1475008074

Size: 348 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Upcoming Events

Do you know of a writing conference in your area or an open call for submissions that would would be of interest to LDS writers? If so, please email the information and link(s) to meto be included in next month’s post. Event posts go live on the last Friday of each month.

Note #1: This listing does not constitute an endorsement by LDS Publisher. It’s for your information only.

Note #2: I may update this post throughout the month. If you’re looking for an even, keep checking back.


Writing Conferences

Million Dollar Outline, June 1 & 2, 2012
David Farland
Comfort Inn, Dallas, TX
More info at:

Professional Writers’ Workshop, June 4-8, 2012
David Farland
Ramada Inn, St George, UT
More info at:

Writers@Work Conference, June 6-10, 2012
Alta Lodge, Alta, UT.
More info at:

Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers, June 18–22, 2012
Sandy, UT
More info at:

Write On Con, August 14-15, 2012
Online Writers Conference
More info at:

LDStorymakers Midwest Conference, September 15, 2012
Holiday Inn, Olathe, KS
More info at:


Call for Submissions/Writing Competitions

Fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry contests.
Submission period:
through May 31, 2012
More info at:

Choir Director Handbook
Short first-hand experiences from LDS choir directors about what has worked with your choir. 250-1000 word in length. Possible topics may include: a spiritual experience you had relating to choir; a different method you tried in choir that produced good results; a successful way you found to recruit and retain choir members; anything success story you feel would be helpful for other directors. 
Submission deadline:
June 30, 2012
More info at:

Our Voices Online Magazine
Accepting article submissions for inspiring stories from you, the reader.  Have you had an experience or trial where you learned some important lessons?  Have you witnessed some miracles in your life?  How about a humorous story? Chances are there are many who will benefit from and be inspired and uplifted by your story.
Submission deadline:
More info at:



Brenda Novak’s Annual Auction for the Cure of Diabetes
Lots of books, critiques, and other things of interest to writers and readers.
Auction Open: May 1-31, 2012
More info at:


Immortals and Melodies by Heather Jensen

“I found myself wishing for the power and whimsy of fairy tales. If only things were as simple as we’re led to believe as children. I remembered the story of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Both were saved by the power of a kiss, drawn out of their lifeless state to live happily ever after. Desperately, I bent and left a soft kiss on Trey’s lips. It was foolish. I knew that, but even that knowledge couldn’t prepare me for the agony that ripped at my heart when he didn’t respond.” -Aurora

Catalyst frontman Trey is no stranger to chaos, but even the life of a rock star couldn’t prepare him for the consequences of loving a vampire. Trey’s life is in danger; threatened by the very group he must join to stay alive. His struggle to continue his career and release a new album with the band is marred by events that force him to ask a powerful Synod Elder for help.

Aurora has to keep Trey alive until she can make him a vampire, but her own kind will stop at nothing to prevent it. The head of the Emissary is having her followed, and if she can’t figure out who is behind the violent attacks, Trey might not make it to the full moon. As Aurora battles her own kind, she’s also plagued by the risk she’s taking by changing Trey. Will her moon-given power be enough to carry Trey through the change, or will he be left floating in the wake of destruction?

Read excerpt   View trailer

Title: Immortals and Melodies (book 2)

Author: Heather Jensen

Publisher: Self

Release Date: May 25, 2012


Size: 264 pages, ebook

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Series: Blood and Guitars (bk 1)

Mists of Darkness by M.J. Evans

Having braved the evil powers in the Dark Kingdom and rescued a lost soul in Behind the Mist, the first book of the Mist Trilogy, Nick and Jazz proved themselves worthy to become members of the Legion of the Unicorn. In a ceremony passed down through the ages, Jazz is endowed with a glowing, amber-colored unicorn horn and a new name: Lazari. Nick becomes his partner as the first-ever unicorn rider.

However, the celebration is short lived as word reaches Celestia of an ominous, dark mist that descended upon Churchill Downs in Kentucky. When the mist dissipated, several horses had vanished.

The unicorns knew immediately that this was the work of the ruler of the Dark Kingdom, Hasbadana. This wicked unicorn’s desire is to conquer the earth and rule everything on it, including mankind, with an iron hoof.

Again and again, the mist of darkness descends at horse venues around the world. Horses, of all types, breeds, and sizes, disappear in its oppressive gloom. Urijah, the Lord of Celestia, and his Council of the Twelve Ancients watch helplessly, never knowing where it will strike next. Hasbadana’s mist of darkness comes down upon horse shows, herds of wild mustangs, polo matches and rodeos, anywhere there are numerous horses. And when the mist is gone, so are the horses.

Deep in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Hasbadana begins training his army of horses, controlling them through fear and intimidation. The lord of the Dark Kingdom drills his army relentlessly as he strives to prepare them to conquer the earth, one barn at a time, one house at a time, one town at a time.

Will the Legion of the Unicorn be able to stop him?

Read excerpt    Book Site

Title: Mists of Darkness

Author: M.J. Evans

Publisher: Self

Release Date: May 18, 2012


Size: 171 pages, ebook

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Series: Behind the Mist (bk 1)

Almost Everything You Need to Know about Virtual Book Tours by Tristi Pinkston

Of all the questions I am asked regarding marketing, the first and foremost is: “How do I set up a virtual book tour?” (Well, generally the very first question is, “What the heck is a virtual book tour?”) I decided to take a couple of minutes to answer those questions today.

When you go on a virtual book tour, you have essentially arranged for several different blogs and websites to feature you in some way. They might do a book review, they might interview you, they might just talk about you – but they all do it to help you promote yourself and your book. It’s like going on a book tour from the privacy of your own home, hence the name, “virtual book tour.”

VBTs can help you in many ways.

1. They can help you become more familiar to the hosts of the sites you visit.

2. They can make your name more recognizable to the buying public.

3. They can garner you reviews on your book that otherwise might be difficult to get.

4. The more times your name appears on the Internet, the more special you look. And special = sales.

5. They can drive more traffic back to your blog and your website, helping the reader learn more about you = sales.

So, how to go about setting up a VBT?

A. Talk to your publisher and find out how many review copies of your book they are willing to send out. Some publishers will give a stack of books to the author to mail out themselves, some publishers mail the books for you, and some publishers will give a discount on copies for the author to purchase and then mail out. In fact, some publishers won’t assist in this at all … but we won’t focus on that. Talk to your publisher and find out their rules.

B. Now that you know how many books you can send out, you need to find the right reviewers for you. Go to Google and type in blogs and then your search term. If your books is about shopping malls in the Amazon, put in blogs Amazon shopping malls. Up will come a list of blogs that talk about your topic. Or put in blogs book reviews. Of course you can customize your search in any way you like. Once the list comes up, click on each link and find those blogs that seem to be the best fit for what you’re looking for. Leave a comment to establish a good relationship, and then look for a contact link or the profile link, which will lead you to a way to contact. Politely ask the blogger if they would be interested in hosting your tour, offer them a free book, and thank them for your time. You do not have to pay the blogger for the review – the free copy is their thank-you gift.

C. When the blogger replies to you, establish with them the date upon which their review will appear. You want to spread out your reviews so that the fervor you create will be sustainable – if you schedule them all for the same day, you’ll make a big splash but it will peter out quickly. You should schedule your tour far enough into the future that your publisher has time to mail out the books and the reviewer has time to read their copy. If your book will be in the warehouse on April 1st, schedule your tour for the middle of May.

D. Five days before a review is set to appear, e-mail that blogger and remind them (again politely) and then pop them a note the night before. When their review appears, copy the link and post it on your own blog or website, and invite all your readers to go take a look at it. You can then send your publisher a list of links, and they can link from their website to the review.

These are the basic steps to setting up a blog tour. You can make this as simple or as complicated as you like. I recently did a huge contest in connection with my book release, as did Annette Lyon. Some authors choose to send out books and let them speak for themselves with very little additional hoopla. What you do is up to you. But the Internet is the way many people are doing their shopping these days, and if we take the time to learn how to use it for marketing, we’ll be riding the wave of the future.

After several years as a professional virtual book tour coordinator, Tristi has retired, but she’s sharing all her secrets with you in her new book, Virtual Book Tours: Harnessing the Power of the Internet.


Tristi Pinkston is the author of nine published books, including the Secret Sisters mystery series. In addition to being a prolific author, Tristi also provides a variety of author services, including editing and online writing instruction. You can visit her at or her website at

The Duke’s Undoing by G.G. Vandagriff

Meet the Duke of Ruisdell, the unlikely hero of this traditional Regency Romance, after the manner of Georgette Heyer and Candice Hern. The duke has just returned wounded from the Napoleonic wars. He is weary, cynical, and very bored. Known as the worst rake in England, he finds he has no interest in upholding that distinction, when his friend, the Marquis of Somerset, proposes a bet: “Five thousand guineas says that seducing Miss Elise Edwards will cure your ennui.” Because his friend has just lost a packet to him, he agrees that the bet be posted in White’s famous Betting Book.

The following day, while walking in Green Park, he spies a mysterious young woman, veiled, and obviously grieving. A disembodied voice, sounding strangely like that of his late adjutant, informs him, “The jig is up. That is the girl you are going to marry!” He scoffs, but is nevertheless intrigued by something about the slight figure. He even sketches her and asks if he can be of assistance to her. She declines his offer kindly.

At the opera that evening, he is captivated by a beauty across the Opera Hall. He hears the same voice, saying the same thing. The marquis informs him that the woman in question is Miss Elise Edwards. When he meets her, he recognizes her voice as that of the woman in the park. Now she is surrounded by a surfeit of ex-fiance’s, one of them dangerously unbalanced. Ruisdell discovers an actual bond between them which renders him honor bound to protect her.

Thus begins a train of unstoppable events—dangerous, humorous, devilish, and amorous—that carry his life along at such a pace that the duke soon knows not whether he is on his head or his heels. And then there is that bet . . .

Read excerpt 

Title: The Duke’s Undoing

Author: G.G. Vandagriff

Publisher: Orson Whitney Press

Release Date: April 20, 2012

ISBN: 978-0983953678

Size: 200 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Historical Romance

The Rock of Ivanore by Laurisa White Reyes

The annual Great Quest is about to be announced in Quendel, a task that will determine the future of Marcus and the other boys from the village who are coming of age. The wizard Zyll commands them to find the Rock of Ivanore, but he doesn’t tell them what the Rock is exactly or where it can be found.

Marcus must reach deep within himself to develop new powers of magic and find the strength to survive the wild lands and fierce enemies he encounters as he searches for the illusive Rock. If he succeeds, he will live a life of honor; if he fails, he will live a life of menial labor in shame.

With more twists and turns than a labyrinth, and a story in which nothing is at it seems, this tale of deception and discovery keeps readers in suspense until the end.

Read excerpt

Title: The Rock of Ivanore

Author: Laurisa White Reyes

Publisher: Tanglewood Press

Release Date: May 15, 2012

ISBN: 978-1933718606

Size: 356 pages, hardcover

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

The Breakaway by Michelle Davidson Argyle

When Naomi Jensen is kidnapped, it takes her parents two days to realize she’s missing. Escape isn’t high on her list of priorities when all she has to return to is an abusive boyfriend and parents who never paid much attention to her. For the first time in her life she’s part of a family-even if it is a family of criminals. But she’s still a captive.

In a desperate attempt to regain some control in her life, Naomi embarks on a dangerous plan to make one of her kidnappers think she’s falling in love with him. The plan works too well, and when faced with the chance to escape, Naomi isn’t sure she wants to take it.

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Title: The Breakaway

Author: Michelle Davidson Argyle

Publisher: Rhemalda Publishing

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1936850617

Size: 320 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: YA Contemporary

Angels and Promises of Silver Falls by Rebecca Woods

“So, now that I’m ‘yours’,” she ventured once again, “do you suppose we’ll ever have more of a family than just us?”

Nathan was quiet for some time. “Four years? I don’t know. It is in God’s hands, Hannah, and if he chooses to bless us that way we will count ourselves fortunate.”

When Hannah married her sweetheart, she thought all her dreams were finally coming true. But the family she longs for still hasn’t arrived. Now more than ever she’ll have to trust that God has a plan for her.

Meanwhile there are big changes coming to the folks of Silver Falls. Some of them are exciting and others might best be called blessings in disguise—deep in disguise.

Catch up with all your favorite characters in the second installment of this beloved series. With a sweet story that evokes the romance of a forgotten era, Angels and Promises of Silver Falls is a taste of small town life that’s sure to bring a smile to any reader.

Read excerpt

Title: Angels and Promises of Silver Falls (book 2)

Author: Rebecca Woods

Publisher: Sweetwater (CFI)

Release Date: May 8, 2012 (previously published)

ISBN: 978-1599559971

Size: 208 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Young Adult

Series: Hannah of Silver Falls (bk 1)

The Housekeeper’s Son by Christopher Loke

72-year-old housekeeper, Eleanor Rose, is witty, gentle, and a remarkable cook. To the people of Amalga, Utah, she’s a petite old lady who wouldn’t hurt a fly. And to her employer, she is the perfect housekeeper—at least until she is found with a bloody knife in her hand beside the dead body of Katherine Cunningham, her employer’s 12-year-old daughter.

Eleanor quickly admits to the crime and surrenders herself, pleading guilty before her trial even begins. But to Victor Lee, a young and ambitious journalist who is assigned to cover the story, there is more to Eleanor’s confession.

Through his interviews with Eleanor within the confines of the penitentiary’s visiting hall, Victor pushes for the truth and finds himself drawn into her world where the line between right and wrong is blur—nothing is what it seems. What he discovers is a secret that, if revealed, will not only explain Katherine’s death, it will also challenge the moral obligation of every mother to her child. It is a secret that started forty-two years ago on the night Eleanor took the life of her only son.

Read excerpt

*Deals with some sensitive themes

Title: The Housekeeper’s Son

Author: Christopher Loke

Publisher: Jolly Fish Press

Release Date: May 19, 2012

ISBN: 978-0984880102

Size: 282 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, hardcover

Genre: General? Mystery?

The Overtaking by Victorine E. Lieske

Shayne Barlet has been kidnapped, his powers disabled and his memory altered. He’s having a bad day—and he doesn’t even know it.

Shayne believes he’s living the ideal life. He attends a great school in the Midwest, gets along with his roommate, and has even met a girl who seems perfect for him. But it’s all a lie. His girlfriend is deceiving him, his roommate is in on it, and perhaps most unbelievably of all: he’s not from Earth. He’s not even human—and neither are they.

As he discovers his own buried psychic abilities, Shayne realizes the only truth he’s been told is perhaps the most improbable one: his girlfriend, a member of the invasion force, seems to truly love him, even though her actions are rife with deceit. Shayne soon uncovers a vast conspiracy involving planetary conquest, erased memories, holographic worlds, and dark agendas. He vows to expose the truth, set his people free, and stop The Overtaking—once, and for all.

Read excerpt

Title: The Overtaking

Author: Victorine E. Lieske

Publisher: Self

Release Date: April 2, 2012

ISBN: 978-1461189459

Size: 288 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: YA Sci-Fi

*This may have been previously published and therefore not eligible for a Whitney Award. Amazon says 2012; GoodReads says 2011. ??


Cold Justice by Kathi Oram Peterson

After overcoming missed connections, murder accusations, and years of living lives apart, Regi and Samuel’s happily ever after is finally within reach. On the eve of their wedding, however, Samuel disappears, and Regi wonders if he has once again run away from both a life with her and a membership in the Church.

Quite the opposite; Samuel has been kidnapped by the Raven Clan, a powerful Alaskan tribe, and is enroute to stand trial in front of their justice council for a puzzling crime that happened years ago.

When Regi and Samuel’s close friends suspect a kidnapping, Regi—with the help of her sister, Claudia, and friend Wakanda—resolves to follow Samuel to Alaska but soon learns secrets about her fiancé she hadn’t bargained for.

While Samuel struggles with his faith and with understanding why he has been accused, Regi risks life and love to set him free.

Read excerpt

Title: Cold Justice

Author: Kathi Oram Peterson

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: May 2012

ISBN: 978-1621080466

Size: 272 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Two Days of a Dream by Kathryn Gilmore

Kelly Goins’ life didn’t match her four-point plan.

1. College at eighteen
2. Career at twenty-two
3. Marriage at twenty-four
4. Kids at twenty-six

Everything in its right order. Except, for Kelly, life didn’t follow the order after step two. After a hard day of corporate climbing in Lincoln, Nebraska, Kelly slips into a vintage nightgown and goes to sleep. The next thing she knows she’s in a dream … maybe.

The frustrating, stone-cold Captain Duran maybe just what she’s not looking for, but what she needs. She knows it’s only her subconscious creating the commanding and handsome man who orders his way into her heart so she dreads when her alarm clock will wrench her from her heart’s desire.

In Iraq, Duran had come to grips with the fact that he would be alone for the rest of his military career, but Kelly turns his orderly life upside down when she appears in his tent. The woman is more than interesting, but is also crazy. He doesn’t want to like the hard-nosed woman that keeps popping up in his cot, but maybe he’s crazy too.

Read excerpt

Title: Two Days of a Dream

Author: Kathryn Gilmore

Publisher: Sanguine Publishing

Release Date: May 5, 2012

ISBN: 978-0982412657

Size: 203 pages, eBook

Genre: Romantic Fantasy

Twist that Cliché by Rebecca Talley

Let’s do a fun quiz. See if you can fill in the blanks.

A fly on the _______
Old as _______
At the end of my _______
Nip it in the _________
Many hands make light ________
A stitch in time saves ______
Growing like a ______
Like father, like______
Spitting _____
You can say that _____
Bend over ______
The buck stops _____
Build a better _____
Burn the midnight _____
Get your foot in the _____
Keep your nose to the _____
Laugh all the way to the _____
Making money hand over ______
Swim with the _____
Time is _____
Hope springs _____
On a wing and a _____
Hope against _____

Here are the answers:

A fly on the wall.
Old as dirt.
At the end of my rope.
Nip it in the bud.
Many hands make light work.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Growing like a weed.
Like father, like son.
Spitting mad.
You can say that again.
Bend over backwards.
The buck stops here.
Build a better mousetrap.
Burn the midnight oil.
Get your foot in the door.
Keep your nose to the grindstone.
Laugh all the way to the bank.
Making money hand over fist.
Swim with the sharks.
Time is money.
Hope springs eternal.
On a wing and a prayer.
Hope against hope.

How many did you get right? All of them? Some? None? More than likely, you correctly identified the last word in the majority of the expressions.

Why? Because they’re clichés, worn-out metaphors that have become so common they are meaningless.

At one time, clichés were original ways of expressing an idea, emotion, or thought. Over time, however, people used these expressions so frequently that they became trite.

You want to purge clichés from your writing. Instead of using a well-known expression like “counting your chicks before they’re hatched,” try twisting it. Tweaking a word or two can make a difference. Test your creativity by twisting some of the above examples. Or, better yet, create your own unique expressions.

Be careful that you don’t overdo it with original expressions that distract from your story, but stay away from the “tried and true” statements that “everyone and their mother” has heard “since the dawn of time.”

Switchback by Clair M. Poulson

With warm sand between his toes, private investigator Rocky Revada is finally taking a well-deserved vacation. But the emotional pleas of a pretty woman have somehow lodged inside the usually practical investigator’s head. As he mulls it over, probing the theft of an expensive roping horse seems much more interesting than the mundane pleasures of sun, surf, and dinners alone.

However, when Rocky arrives at Glenn Gridley’s northern Utah ranch, he unearths far more trouble than he bargained for. Multiple horses have been stolen from the cantankerous rancher and have been mysteriously replaced with worthless look-alikes. Then Gridley’s attractive and persuasive daughter, Shanice, finds someone from her past on the family property, very much dead.

What started as a simple investigation of theft has escalated into a murder investigation, and as Rocky edges closer to the truth, he is targeted as the next victim. Tensions peak, and Rocky realizes he must shield Shanice and her daughter from an unknown enemy. It seems someone wants to destroy the entire Gridley family.

Now Rocky must summon every bit of his faith and courage to protect the woman he has come to love as he is tested in the fires of his most dangerous case to date.

Read excerpt

Title: Switchback

Author: Clair M. Poulson

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: May 2012

ISBN: 978-1608618903

Size: 304 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Mystery/Suspense

Aligned by RaShelle Workman

An Immortal Essence short story.

Worlds divided them.

Chance brought them together.

Only love can save them.

A half-Eternal boy and an Eternal girl must free millions of tortured souls from a creature who has been feasting on their pain and suffering.

Read excerpt

Title: Aligned (short story)

Author: RaShelle Workman

Publisher: Polished Pen Press

Release Date: May 6, 2012

ASIN: B008198CIY

Size: 32 pages, ebook

Genre: YA Sci-fi Romance

Immortal Essence Series: Exiled (book 1), Beguiled (book 2)

Caution: This book may contain objectionable language. Author says PG-13.

Earthbound by Theresa Sneed

Heaven—a perfect place, beautiful and serene in every way, except one. As the time draws near for the first of the spirits to leave their home in heaven, a group of rebellious dissenters begins to appear at every blue-planet planning meeting, demanding that all spirits are ruled by compulsory choice as mortals on the planet, instead of having the freedom to choose for themselves.

Daniel is a courageous Freedom Fighter, who vehemently opposes the No Choice movement. Sophie is taken aback by his strong desire to do what’s right and his intense blue eyes. But she also has a strange attraction to the handsome and ostentatious Coe, a leader of the No Choice movement, who has his sights on her and will stop at nothing to claim her as his own.

Read excerpt   View trailer  Book Site

Title: Earthbound (prequel to No Angel)

Author: Theresa Sneed

Publisher: Walnut Springs Press

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599928548

Size: 254 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Paranormal Romance

No Angel Series: No Angel (bk 1)

When “Right” is Twitchy by Annette Lyon

Our local recreation center has a sign on the track that reads, in part, something like:

If you swam, Dry off before going on the track

A good friend e-mailed me about it after twitching all through her three times-a-week runs around that track. She asked if the sign was wrong, because it sounded awkward (especially with “swam”), but she couldn’t think of a better way to say it.

If you set aside the fact that dry shouldn’t be capitalized here, the sign is grammatically correct.

The tenses of swim go like this:

Present tense: swim (This morning, I will swim for thirty minutes.)
Past tense: swam (Last week, I swam ten laps.)
Past participle: had swum (I thought back to the time I had swum with a team.)

So swam is the right form of the word, plain old past tense.

And yet. That sign makes me twitch too.

It’s a great case of when smooth writing and clarity trump “right.” In other words, just because it’s correct doesn’t mean it’s the best way of saying something.

The other day, as I was leaving the rec center, I saw her as she came around the track. “I’ve got it!” she said. “It should say, ‘Dry off after swimming’!”


She’s absolutely right. The sign could be rewritten in a number of ways, and that’s a great one. It would not only save room, but be clearer. Her version takes the verb swam and turns it into a noun, swimming.

As you all know, I get all twitchy when things are incorrect, but that doesn’t mean I won’t twitch when they’re correct—but goofy and awkward.

A great writer can take a twitchy (but correct) sentence and mold it, making the end result something others will read and understand without a second thought.

Or a twitch.


Annette Lyon  is a Whitney Award winner, the recipient of Utah’s Best of State medal for fiction, and the author of eight novels, a cookbook, and a grammar guide, plus over a hundred magazine articles. She’s a senior editor at Precision Editing Group and a cum laude graduate from BYU with a degree in English. When she’s not writing, editing, knitting, or eating chocolate, she can be found mothering and avoiding the spots on the kitchen floor. Find her online at and on Twitter: @AnnetteLyon.

Need a little extra grammar help? Get Annette’s grammar book, There, Their, They’re: A No-Tears Guide to Grammar from the Word Nerd.

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