Curse of the Beast by Ashley Lavering

A dark shadow stalks the night, watching her—waiting to claim what is his.

Seventeen-year-old Tayla Jonas longs for a simple life, but after a traumatizing family loss, she is forced to be both mother and sister to her cousins while caring for her mentally unstable aunt. Moving to her grandma’s quiet town of Cody, Wyoming, Tayla finds some normalcy with her quirky green activist friend, Chel, who spends no time converting her to vegetarianism.

A few weeks into her new school, Tayla catches the eye of Kyle Harrington—the high school quarterback and resident millionaire—who can seduce any girl with his charismatic charm, including Tayla. But Kyle is anything but what he seems.

Walking through City Park, Tayla is unaware that an ancient curse has her in its crosshairs. The silver moonlight illuminates the path to her van, sprinkling shadows like evil twinkling eyes. Tayla’s skin prickles, and she turns. Something—or someone—is watching her.

A powerful werewolf steps from the shadows. An iridescent blue chord shoots from him and slams into her stomach, dissolving instantly. Pain wracks her body, and she tries to scramble to safety, but his silver eyes freeze her in place as the curse binds them together. The chord settles deep inside her body, coiling with dread around her heart.

Dismayed by the prospect of a werewolf for a shadow, Tayla fears for the safety of her friends and family. How will she keep the werewolf’s insatiable hunger in check? Her plans for a vegetarian lifestyle quickly dwindle away, and Tayla wrestles to fit her frazzled life back together—piece by piece. But what she didn’t expect was her attraction to the werewolf or the power of the full moon.

Will Tayla be strong enough to survive the Curse of the Beast? Or will it consume her like so many before? Find out in the first installment of this unique retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

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Title: Curse of the Beast

Author: Ashley Lavering

Publisher: Silvermist Publishing

Release Date: April 29, 2012


Size: 257 pages, ebook

Genre: YA Paranormal

Daisy by Josi S. Kilpack

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. And no one knows that better than Daisy. Raising two kids as a divorced, single mom, Daisy has faced each and every one of the obstacles in her life with courage and determination.

Now with her oldest daughter ready to have a baby of her own, her youngest daughter ready to graduate from high school, and her new husband, Paul, ready to embrace the life of an empty-nester, Daisy feels like she might finally be able to check “motherhood” off her list of things to do.

Except life often has a mind of its own. When, at the age of forty-six, Daisy suddenly finds herself facing a very different future than the one she had planned—and an uncomfortable evaluation of the past she thought she understood—she realizes that there is still some growing up she needs to do.

Looking for a distraction to escape the growing tension at home, Daisy joins the Newport Ladies Book Club, where she meets Paige, Athena, and Olivia—unlikely friends who offer encouragement and support when Daisy’s perfectly crafted life is turned upside-down.

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Title: Daisy (The Newport Ladies Book Club, book 2)

Author: Josi S. Kilpack

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: April 28, 2012

ISBN: 9781609070083

Size: __ pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: General/Women

The Newport Ladies Book Club: Olivia by Julie Wright (bk 1)

Bitten by Danyelle Leafty

Fourteen-year-old Cherrie Wilding stopped believing in fairies after her Grams had a stroke that left her a silent, empty stranger. But whether she believes in them or not, one of them bit her, and now the venom is spreading through her system and causing  . . . complications. Like an allergy to iron and a craving for milk.

It turns out that fairy venom has the power to turn mortals into small, winged versions of themselves. And it gets better. Grams’s stroke was the result of her light–her fairy soul–being stolen. The fairy who bit Cherrie demands her to help steal Grams’s light back.

As much as Cherrie wants to save Grams, her need to protect her older brother from the fairies and the rest of the real world wins out. Who knows what lurks in a world populated by winged menaces? But when the fairy talks Cherrie’s brother into going to the fairy realm, Cherrie mounts a rescue attempt to save him. To her surprise, it’s not her brother who needs rescuing–it’s the fairies. Someone is stealing their lights and imprisoning them, and it’s up to Cherrie and her brother to free them. But saving the fairies, keeping her brother safe, and returning home requires the help of the Phoenix. And the price for his aid doesn’t come cheap. If Cherrie wants to succeed, she must be willing to part with her greatest possession: her heart.

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Title: Bitten (A Novel of Faerie)

Author: Danyelle Leafty

Publisher: Self

Release Date: April 27, 2012

ISBN: 978-1475268126

Size: 388 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: YA Fantasy

Mythworld: Invisible Moon by James A. Owen

Invisible Moon, takes place in a small haven called Silvertown, in upstate New York, where a journalist named Meredith has just received news of the murder of her father – Michael Langbein. But before he died, he sent her a clue to his death and to the strange and terrifying changes taking place all around the world: a page from the mysterious Prime Edda.

With the help of her lover Shingo, and the photographer Weird Harold, Meredith begins to investigate as a terrible winter settles over the world… and everything begins to change. Technology no longer works. Electricity fails. Vehicles are turning into mythological creatures… and so are the people – including Meredith herself, who may be turning into the Russian witch, Baba Yaga…

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Title: Mythworld: Invisible Moon (book 2)

Author: James A. Owen

Publisher: Coppervale Press

Release Date: April 10, 2012

ASIN: B007T5361Y

Size: 140 pages, ebook

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Mythworld Series: Festival of Bones (bk 1)

Beautiful Beast by Cindy C. Bennett

Calli is cursed by her beauty.

Though she knows it’s cruel, Calli agrees to accompany her friends to Monster House where it is rumored the beast howls at the moon each sunset. When she hears him for the first time, her heart is wrenched by the anguish she hears in the sound.

Facing trespassing charges for her folly, Calli is forced to move into Monster House where she is to befriend the beast. Using the bribery offered by his father to gain some desperately needed money for her father, Calli accepts his terms. Horrified but trapped by her circumstance, Calli steps inside the doors of the great house to face the unknown.

Alex is cursed by his beastliness.

Alex believes Calli has bribed her way into his home in order to get a look at the beast of Monster House, and is determined to hate her. He isn’t prepared as she batters down the hard walls of his soul with her kindness and humor.

Alex allows Calli into his inner sanctum, sharing with her the most private parts of his heart. But when he finds out the truth, will her love be enough to convince him of her true feelings, or will she lose him forever?

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Title: Beautiful Beast (Enchanted Fairytales, Book 1)

Author: Cindy C. Bennett

Publisher: Self

Release Date: April 24, 2012


Size: 94 pages, ebook

Genre: Contemporary Fairytale

Knee Deep by Jolene Perry

Shawn is the guy Ronnie Bird promised her life to at the age of fourteen. He’s her soul mate. He’s more uptight every day, but it’s not his fault. His family life is stressful, and she’s adding to it. She just needs to be more understanding, and he’ll start to be the boy she fell in love with. She won’t give up on someone she’s loved for so long.

Luke is her best friend, and the guy she hangs with to watch girlie movies in her large blanketopias. He’s the guy she can confide in before she even goes to her girlfriends, and the guy who she’s playing opposite in Romeo and Juliet. Now her chest flutters every time he gets too close. This is new. Is Ronnie falling for him? Or is Juliet? The lines are getting blurry, but leaving one guy for another is not something that a girl like Ronnie does.

Shawn’s outbursts are starting to give her bruises, and Luke’s heart breaks as Ronnie remains torn. While her thoughts and feelings swirl around the lines between friendship and forever, she’s about to lose them both.

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Title: Knee Deep

Author: Jolene Perry

Publisher: Tribute Books

Release Date: April 25, 2012


Size: eBook

Genre: Young Adult

Upcoming Events

Do you know of a writing conference in your area or an open call for submissions that would would be of interest to LDS writers? If so, please email the information and link(s) to meto be included in next month’s post. Event posts go live on the last Friday of each month.

Note: This listing does not constitute an endorsement by LDS Publisher. It’s for your information only.


Writing Conferences

LDStorymakers, May 4-5, 2012
Provo Marriott Hotel, Provo, UT.
More info at:

Write That Novel, May 18 & 19, 2012
David Farland
Comfort Suites, Meridian, ID
More info at:

Spring on the NING, May 19, 2012
More info at:

Million Dollar Outline, June 1 & 2, 2012
David Farland
Comfort Inn, Dallas, TX
More info at:

Professional Writers’ Workshop, June 4-8, 2012
David Farland
Ramada Inn, St George, UT
More info at:

Writers@Work Conference, June 6-10, 2012
Alta Lodge, Alta, UT.
More info at:

Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers, June 18–22, 2012
Sandy, UT
More info at:

Write On Con, August 14-15, 2012
Online Writers Conference
More info at:


Call for Submissions/Writing Competitions

Steampunk Short Story Anthology
Looking for short stories in steampunk genre.
Submission period: April 1, 2012 through ?
More info at: Bloggin’ Outloud

Sword & Sorceress Anthology
Looking for short stories in the sword and sorcerer sub-genre with a strong female protagonist.
Submission period:
through May 12, 2012
More info at:

Fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry contests.
Submission period:
through May 31, 2012
More info at:

Choir Director Handbook
Short first-hand experiences from LDS choir directors about what has worked with your choir. 250-1000 word in length. Possible topics may include: a spiritual experience you had relating to choir; a different method you tried in choir that produced good results; a successful way you found to recruit and retain choir members; anything success story you feel would be helpful for other directors. 
Submission deadline:
June 30, 2012
More info at:


Brenda Novak’s Annual Auction for the Cure of Diabetes
Lots of books, critiques, and other things of interest to writers and readers.
Auction Open: May 1-31, 2012
More info at:


ExtraNormal by Suze Reese

I should have protested. Instead, I inhaled again, deeply.

He . . . he loved me. That was it. Warm and soothing love pulsed fiercely from his every pore. Not the kind of proud love my parents had for me. Nothing like the deep friendship Geery and I shared. And certainly nothing like the vile lust of other human males. This was something new. Something profound.

I closed my eyes and drank in his affection as if these were my very first breaths.

Mira Johns is pretty much like any other teenage girl.

Except that she knows how to harness electro-magnetic energy to communicate without words.

And she’s really, really far from home.

Her assignment as an emissary to Earth sounds fairly simple: blend in, observe, and stay away from the planet’s primitive males. But after she finds one mysterious boy too irresistible for stupid rules, she realizes the real reason she’s supposed to keep her distance: mates from her world can die if separated.

A series of serious accidents make it clear that someone wants to force her return. Mira decides her only hope is to uncover the truth to why she, the most mediocre of candidates, was actually chosen for this assignment—before the agency discovers her secret and sends her back home.

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Title: ExtraNormal

Author: Suze Reese

Publisher: Valarian Press

Release Date: April 22, 2012

ISBN: 978-0985133504

Size: 332 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: YA Paranormal

Daughters of Jared by H.B. Moore

Naiva, daughter of the dethroned King Jared II, lives in the shadow of her privileged elder sister, Asherah. But when Asherah develops a secret plot to return their father to the throne, Naiva’s resentment turns to fear.

Thwarting the scheme becomes more complicated when Naiva discovers that Akish, the first man who has shown interest in her, is an integral part of the plan. Asherah traps Akish in a ploy to make him marry her, breaking Naiva’s heart and leaving her feeling more alone than ever.

Somehow Naiva must find the strength to stand against the encroaching evil in the kingdom and a sister who will stop at nothing to become queen. When Akish’s wickedness escalates and threatens to destroy the bonds of sisterhood, Naiva must decide between protecting her sister and honoring her new belief in the true God, a forbidden belief that could cost her life.

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Title: Daughters of Jared

Author: H.B. Moore

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: April 26, 2012

ISBN: 978-1608613953

Size: 224 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Historical

Rage of the Dragon by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman

Skylan Ivorson is the gods-chosen Chief of all Vindras clans. But the gods from whom the Vindrasi draw their earthdwelling power are besieged by a new generation of gods who are challenging them for the powers of creation. The only way to stop these brash interlopers lies within the Five Bones of the Vektia Dragon—the primal dragon forged during the creation of the world—which have been lost for generations.

With the Gods of the New Dawn amassing a vast army, Skylan finds allies in former enemies. Calling upon the ogres to fight their common foes, the Vindrasi soon find themselves in the middle of an even larger war. Skylan and his Vindrasi clan must sail the Sea of Tears into the heart of the Forbidden Empire of the Cyclops, to implement a cunning yet delicate plan that risks his life and leadership at every corner. But a new enemy lies deep in the sea, one who draws upon powers never harnessed by land dwellers.

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Title: Rage of the Dragon (Dragonships of Vindras #3)

Author: Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis

Publisher: TOR Books

Release Date: April 24, 2012

ISBN: 978-0765319753

Size: 368 pages, hardcover

Genre: Fantasy

Dragonships of Vindras Series: Bones of the Dragon (bk 1), Secret of the Dragon (bk 2)

Breaking Beautiful by Jennifer Shaw Wolf

I can still see his face, the way he tilted his head. How excited he was for me to see the gift. The pain spreads from the back of my head, cuts across my right temple and curls around the smaller scar above my eye.

I’m saving something special to give you on your birthday.

My whole head throbs.

It hurts too much to remember.

Allie can’t remember the night her boyfriend, Trip died.

She knows they were driving on the cliff road.

That Trip lost control.

That she woke up later broken and bruised.

That somehow, she survived.

Allie lost everything the night her boyfriend, Trip, died in a horrible car accident—including her memory of the event. As their small town mourns his death, Allie is afraid to remember because doing so means delving into what she’s kept hidden for so long: the horrible reality of their abusive relationship.

When the police reopen the investigation, it casts suspicion on Allie and her best friend, Blake, especially as their budding romance raises eyebrows around town. Allie knows she must tell the truth. Can she reach deep enough to remember that night so she can finally break free?

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Title: Breaking Beautiful

Author: Jennifer Shaw Wolf

Publisher: Walker Childrens

Release Date: April 24, 2012

ISBN: 978-0802723529

Size: 368 pages, hardcover

Genre: Young Adult

Oldsoul by Dan Haring

Jason Gouvas doesn’t want to believe he has special abilities or that he’s an Oldsoul—a vessel for the souls of people who have passed away, but the dead girl in his mind can be very persuasive.

Her name is Erin, and through her Jason is able to access the knowledge and skills of the souls within him.

And with a group of power-hungry immortals bent on destroying the Oldsouls and overthrowing humanity, he’s going to need them all.


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Title: Oldsoul

Author: Dan Haring

Publisher: Pendrell Publishing

Release Date: April 24, 2012

ISBN: 978-0983558019

Size: 323 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: YA Paranormal/Fantasy

All For You by Lynn Kurland


Peaches Alexander is thrilled to receive an unexpected invitation to a weekend party given by the handsome, eligible Duke of Kenneworth. The only problem: Stephen de Piaget, a stuffy medieval studies scholar who seems determined to get in the way. Peaches has absolutely no desire to get involved with Stephen, until a quirk of Fate sends her hurtling through time…


Stephen de Piaget has been leading a double life: respectable professor by day, knight-in-training during holidays and summer terms. When Peaches goes missing, Stephen knows he’s the only one that can rescue her from medieval peril. Little do they know that the greatest danger they’ll face won’t be the business end of a sword, but their own unruly hearts….

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Title: All For You

Author: Lynn Kurland

Publisher: Jove

Release Date: April 24, 2012

ISBN: 978-0515150650

Size: 320 pages, 4×6, softcover

Genre: Speculative Romance

Mere Enchantment by Alicia Rivoli

A World Like No Other…

When a newly formed group of friends finds themselves fighting for survival, little did they know that was just the beginning.

When Chloe, Megan, Jason and Zach are forced to take cover in a nearby cave from a violent storm they find their new friend Preston there as well. Zach guides the group through the cave but as they go deeper strange things begin to happen and they find themselves separated in a magical kingdom surrounded by unusual people and wizards. Things get even more dangerous as they travel the kingdom in search of the city of Mere and each other.

As their journey unfolds, Preston discovers that the bedtime stories he was told as a child are true and that his rightful place in time must be realized. The kingdom itself has gone under attack as Jacan, a traitor to the crown, forces his armies through the magical borders.

Looking back Preston should have recognized that it was all real. He should have seen the signs. But how could he have known? After all, Jacan was just a villain in a story that took place in a far off mystical land. How could he have imagined that the stories that his father told him as a child were true?

How could any of them have known that their destinies were already written, and that to discover who they really are would take courage that they never realized they had?

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Title: Mere Enchantment

Author: Alicia Rivoli

Publisher: Self

Release Date: April 12, 2012

ISBN: 978-1475145533

Size: 392 pages, 5.5 x8.5 , softcover

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

Dead Running by Cami Checketts


Cassidy Christensen is running.

Running from the mercenaries who killed her parents. Running from a scheming redhead intent on making her life miserable. Running from painful memories that sabotage her dreams of happiness.

With two very tempting men competing for her attention, she hopes she’ll finally have someone to run to, but can she trust either of them?

When secrets from her past threaten her family, Cassidy decides to stop running and fight for her future.

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Title: Dead Running

Author: Cami Checketts

Publisher: Birch River Publishing

Release Date: April 21, 2012

ISBN: 978-1475166606

Size: 246 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Mystery

Ninth Crossing: Discovery by Kate Gordon

When a woman says she loves a man more than her own life, it’s understood she’s speaking metaphorically. But then, she just might be serious.

Reagan Sullivan is a thoroughly modern woman. She’s thirty-one, an honors graduate of Yale, and a six year veteran of the Secret Service, sworn to protect the vice president of the United States—who happens to be a widower. A good looking widower. Despite these accolades—and distractions—Agent Sullivan is a no-nonsense woman in every respect.

Her younger sister, Heather, currently a Rhodes Scholar PhD. candidate and an Olympic rowing medalist, is also a product of the twenty-first century. Together they’re an unbeatable combination … and not bad on the eyes either.

When Reagan meets two Irish elves—one of whom kidnaps her from a ladies bathroom in Oslo, Norway—all bets are off. These elves are nothing like you imagine. Both are well over six feet and strikingly handsome. And both think Reagan is quite fetching herself. And they’re not guarding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but they do have a twinkle in their eyes and romance in their hearts.

If that wasn’t enough, when Reagan meets her fifth great grandmother, Eimile, born in Ireland in 1630 … and she turns out to be the current-day queen of the Western Realm … and she puts Reagan’s life in danger to save the kingdom … well, things get a little more airy-faerie.

But not everything is so calm in the Western Realm. A Civil War is brewing, the vice president of the United States is in danger, and Reagan has to come to grips with a discovery that changes her life forever. Humor and light-hearted romance, yes, but a serious story about corruption, power, and the length to which men—and women—will go to achieve their ends. Elf or human.

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Title: Ninth Crossing: Discovery

Author: Kate Gordon (Gordon Ryan and Kate Armitage)

Publisher: Pegusus Publishing

Release Date: April 13, 2012


Size: 184 pages, ebook

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Cobble Cavern by Erik Olsen

“What was that?” Pilt asked in alarm.

“Whatever it is, it’s coming our way, and fast!” Flin said. He searched futilely for a nearby refuge.

Another screeching hiss rose from below.

Flin took the torch and held it out in front of him. “I can see something moving down there!” he said, panic thick in his voice.

What starts out to be a fun field trip to Ireland for Flin and his school debate team turns into a life changing adventure when their bus ends up in an earthquake. Flin and his teammates get swallowed deep into the earth and become trapped under the ocean inside a clear dome where they discover an unknown civilization. Now they must fight their way back to the surface if they ever want to see home again. Join Flin and his classmates on a journey of a lifetime in this thrilling adventure story.

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Title: Cobble Cavern (Flin’s Destiny #1)

Author: Erik Olsen

Publisher: Sweetwater/CFI

Release Date: April 10, 2012 (originally self-published in 2010)

ISBN: 978-1462110094

Size: 304 pages, 5.5 x 8, hardcover

Genre: Middle Grade/YA Fantasy

Molly Woodhaven by A.D. Duling

Molly Woodhaven is an eight year old girl with quite an imagination,or does she? Behind their Victorian and the wooden fence of their backyard are the woods; where Molly’s mother has said not to go in.

Molly doesn’t listen to her mother and does. Deep inside, she finds a little elf man named Mr. Pickett who takes her on an impossible sailing adventure to and on the great Atlantic Ocean.

Where she becomes a cabin girl, meets a mermaid King, goes to the Isles of Three for medicinal lily pads and collects Spitfire fireflies at the Spitfire Caves! And all this in one day! When she returns home, time has not turned, not even by a minute and Molly realizes she has not been caught.

She also realizes that tomorrow she can go on another adventure and the next day and the day after that…

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Title: Molly Woodhaven: Stories of Her Adventures & Other Extraordinary Experiences

Author: A.D. Duling

Publisher: Self

Release Date: April 12, 2012


Size: 54 pages, ebook

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

*This book may not meet the length requirements for a Whitney Award.

Pied & Prodigious by D.M. Andrews

‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a man in possession of a wife, must be in want of a good fortune.’

There is much excitement in Longlawn when two men with tall hats enter the district. Mothers buy new dresses for their daughters, fathers polish up on their fencing skills, and Mr Bayonet tackles the perilous journey through the stinging nettles to call upon the new occupants of Nettlefield Park.
The ditsy Jane Bayonet soon falls for Mr Blingley with all his gold jewellery, but her sister, the ever-prodigious Lizzy, very much dislikes Mr Blingley’s friend, Mr Dicey, whose pied coat and tall hat strike fear into the local populace.

This is a story of excessive fashion, high heels, large wardrobes, tall hats—oh, and romance!

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Title: Pied & Prodigious

Author: D.M. Andrews

Publisher: Self

Release Date: April 13, 2012


Size: 126 pages, eBook

Genre: Parody

Before You Send Your Manuscript Out to Readers (or Publishers) by Tristi Pinkston

So you’ve gotten your manuscript ready to go out to readers. You’re excited because you know how close you are to being ready for submission . . . you’ll get this feedback, you’ll make the suggested changes, and you’re finished, right?

Well, pretty close. But don’t think this step is going to be a piece of cake. That’s a mistake a lot of writers make—they hurry and get the manuscript out to readers before it’s really ready.

Here are some tips to help you get that manuscript as ready for readers as you possibly can—keeping in mind that if you take out the glaring problems now, your readers will have an easier time spotting the more complex problems.

1. Go through and do a search for “was.” Most of the time, when the word “was” is used, you can change it to more of an active voice. Instead of saying, “She was sitting on the porch,” say “She sat on the porch.” This brings your reader into closer contact with the story, and it eliminates the repetitive use of “was.”

2. Go through and do a search for “that.” Most of the time, “that” is used when it’s not needed. “She thought that he’d be there to pick her up at three.” Take it out and see what you’ve got … “She thought he’d be there to pick her up at three.” It’s the same thing, but “that” gets repetitive and makes your sentences wordy.

3. Go through and make sure all your punctuation is still there. I’ve noticed when I edit for people that as they take out words they’ve been told to take out, sometimes the punctuation gets taken along with it, erased accidentally by the cursor being in the wrong place.

4. Go through and take out fully 3/4 of your adverbs. Keep only the ones that are absolutely needed—most are indicated by the context, anyway, and aren’t necessary.

There you have it—four steps to help make your manuscript ready for readers. These aren’t the only things to watch out for—there are many—but these are the most common mistakes and the most common detractors from the story. With these things out of the way, your readers will be able to concentrate on the things that remain and help you polish the story until it shines.

Tristi Pinkston is the author of nine published books, including the Secret Sisters mystery series. In addition to being a prolific author, Tristi also provides a variety of author services, including editing and online writing instruction. You can visit her at or her website at

Exodus: Leaving Home by Orson T Badger

In the year 2032: tyranny threatens to flood the Earth. Only a group of resistance fighters, called Freemen, can save humanity.

Psychopath, James Morstyn, newly appointed head of the Enlightened League of Nation’s, Compliance Army, has discovered mysterious documents. With the assistance of Miah, his biowired juggernaut spy, he sets out determined to find their origin while annihilating the last vestiges of resistance to the new global rule and destroying mankind’s last hope for freedom.

Outlaws to the Enlightened League of Nations (ELN), David and Cindy Corb must escape the League’s murderous compliance patrols on Earth and find a way to join the Freemen or die trying. The Freemen prepare a last desperate refuge for a people being systematically enslaved or killed by the blossoming evil of the ELN.

Thousands flock to their ranks hoping to avoid certain misery and death. But the Freemen are running out of time as Morstyn prepares to destroy them all in a last battle for freedom.

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Title: Exodus: Leaving Home (book 1)

Author: Orson T Badger

Publisher: Self

Release Date: April 17, 2012

ISBN: 978-1469931364

Size: 368 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Science Fiction

Tanned, Toned and Totally Faking It by Whitney Boyd

Mikayla: Cute Canadian college girl turned world-famous, super- sexy pop-star practically overnight. And still figuring out if she belongs in this celebrity wonderland.

Jordan: The only genuine guy in all of L.A. Law student, and extremely attractive. Also happens to hate the Hollywood celebrity scene.

Matt: Stupid, lying, money-loving ex-boyfriend trying to get back into Mikayla’s life and ruin every hope she has with Jordan.

Kurt: Personal trainer, confidant and only true friend Mikayla has in her new life. Questionable fashion sense included.

Cheryl: Completely psychotic manager.

The next three months? Happily ever after with Jordan. Or social and career ruin with no hope of ever finding true love…

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Title: Tanned, Toned and Totally Faking It

Author: Whitney Boyd

Publisher: WiDo

Release Date: April 10, 2012

ISBN: 978-1937178123

Size: 236 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Romance

A Royal Elf of Abalon by Anna del C. Dye

The deep relationship between Amaria, the princess of Abalon, and Marken, the chancellor’s son, comes to a halting stop after their kingdom is almost annihilated. However, death isn’t the only thing this battle brings. Elfs come to their rescue and, as a souvenir, take the princess home with them.

Blinded by fury, the overprotecting queen orders the extermination of the mighty elfs. Her captains know they can never win, so they are pleased when Amaria intervenes so desperately that she loses her mother. The unprepared princess is left to care for a kingdom that will demand her true love.

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Title: A Royal Elf of Abalon

Author: Anna del C. Dye

Publisher: CreateSpace

Release Date: April 17, 2012

ISBN: 978-1475216318

Size: 460 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Fantasy

Series: The Elf and the Princess (bk 1), Trouble in the Elf City (bk 2), Elfs in a Conquered Realm (bk 3), Curse of the Elfs (bk 4)

Prince Tennyson by Jenni James

Ten-year-old Chelsea Tennyson decides to take matters into her own hands and prove once and for all if an invisible God is really there.

Chelsea’s dad, Prince Tennyson—the nickname he earned for being so dashing in uniform—died last year in the Iraq war. After a mental breakdown, her mother moves the family to live with their grandmother in Phoenix. But before long, it becomes clear the entire family is suffering the loss of a man who was pivotal in the shaping of their lives. Her mom doesn’t believe God exists anymore, but Chelsea is afraid to believe it too, because if He doesn’t exist then she’ll never see her prince again…

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Title: Prince Tennyson

Author: Jenni James

Publisher: StoneHouse Ink

Release Date: April 16, 2012

ASIN: B007V512OA

Size: 126 pages, ebook

Genre: Middle Grade