Do you judge LDS authors by LDS standards even when they are writing for the national market?
I’m LDS. That is part of what defines me as an individual. As such, I judge everything by LDS standards. There are certain standards I expect in the books that I read, as well as in books that I publish. Those standards are strongly influenced by my religious beliefs. There are lines that I cannot cross. Regardless of the author’s religious beliefs, or lack of them, I have serious issues with pornography, graphic violence, and situations where behaviors condemned by my religion are promoted and upheld as the ideal. My line in the sand is drawn in the same spot for all authors, regardless of the market for which they are writing.
That said, the intended readership influences what is acceptable in an LDS book versus what is acceptable in the national market. For example, in my opinion, frequent and vile profanity is inappropriate regardless of the market. However, in the national market, an occasional h** and d** is tolerable for me, as well as for most readers in that market, including readers who also happen to be LDS. I would not have a problem if an LDS author included some light swearing in their national books, although, personally, I don’t think it’s necessary. In the LDS market, any amount of swearing can be a problem because it will offend the majority of the intended readership.
[Now, if you’re asking if I think Stephenie Meyer should have kept the boyfriend (vampire or otherwise) out of her main character’s bedroom at night or if I think the fact that the girl is silly, immature, manipulative and lies to her father shows a disloyalty to Meyer’s LDS values, my answer is, give it a rest! I am so tired of hearing about this. First, spend your energy talking to your children about what types of behaviors are and are not appropriate, and worry about keeping the boyfriends out of your own daughter’s bedroom rather than worrying about whether or not Meyer is a good enough Mormon. And second, if your daughter is reading Twilight (which is incredibly tame by national standards and not too far off base for LDS standards—aside from the whole vampires don’t exist thing), be grateful she’s not reading others in the same genre (such as Sunshine by Robin McKinley.)]
Would you publish an LDS author in the LDS market after that author had written national books that didn’t support LDS standards?
It depends on how offensive I found their national books. (Read here.)