Which Book Would You Pick as the 2010 Best Mystery/Suspense Fiction?

Cold as Ice Crossfire Murder by Design A Time to Die Wrong Number
Stephanie Black Traci Hunter Abramson Betsy Brannon Green Jeffrey Savage Rachelle J. Christensen

In the comments section, state which book you think should win 2010 Best General Mystery/Suspense and why.

Or, if you have another favorite that didn’t make the list, you can go ahead and tell us about it too.

(I’d love it if you’d repeat your comment over on the LDS Fiction post for that book. Just click on the link below the book cover. Your comment will also enter you in the drawing for a free book at the end of May!)

7 thoughts on “Which Book Would You Pick as the 2010 Best Mystery/Suspense Fiction?”

  1. A Time To Die was great. This is the only book I read of this series. The main guy is creepy!

  2. There were things I liked about all of these books, but I think I'd have to say #1 is Cold As Ice, with Murder By Design a close second.

  3. These were all great books; how can I pick just one? I love everything the first four write, so I think I'll pick Wrong Number just because it's new and different and I hope we see more from this author.

  4. Wow! A category where I've actually more than one finalist. I think Crossfire is Abramson's best Saint squad story. Best of luck to all. Crossfire gets my vote.

  5. A Time To Die is my favorite thing that Jeff Savage has written yet! I loved both his heroines and the plot was great! I thought I wouldn't be able to decide until I read that one- it really stood out to me.

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