Which Book Would You Pick as the 2010 Best Speculative Fiction?

Imprints Mr. Monster Pathfinder The Scorch Trials The Way of Kings
Rachel Ann Nunes Dan Wells Orson Scott Card James Dashner Brandon Sanderson

In the comments section, state which book you think should win 2010 Best Speculative Fiction and why.

Or, if you have another favorite that didn’t make the list, you can go ahead and tell us about it too.

(I’d love it if you’d repeat your comment over on the LDS Fiction post for that book. Just click on the link below the book cover. Your comment will also enter you in the drawing for a free book at the end of May!)

P.S. We’re voting in three categories today, so come back this afternoon!

7 thoughts on “Which Book Would You Pick as the 2010 Best Speculative Fiction?”

  1. I'm not voting in this category. I only read one of the books and didn't like it.

  2. I will not be voting this year, but I did read all of the books in this category. I would vote for Mr. Monster, hands down. The rest of the novels are all worth reading — it's a strong category — but each of the other four have some key flaws. Mr. Monster will not be to all readers tastes, but it delivers on al levels — plot, prose, characterization, setting — in a way that the others don't.

  3. This category is tough to pick too. It you like horror, definitely MR. MONSTER. Loved it.

    PATHFINDER is OSC—& I'm a die-hard fan. Best new fantasy of his in a while.

    SCORCH TRIALS? Awesome!

    The other two are good for what they are, just not my cup of [herbal] tea.

  4. Way of Kings. I loved it. Fantastic beginning to what promises to be an amazing series.

    Also a big fan of Mr. Monster.

  5. I didn't read any of these. This genre isn't my cup of … hot chocolate. I will, however, vote for OSC just because I enjoy his ongoing column in Mormon Times.

  6. Hard, hard category tojudge. Pathfinder, Mr. Monster, and Way of Kings are all excellent. I finally voted for Way of Kings because, even though all the top three succeeded spectacularly, Way of King succeeded at the hardest story.

  7. Mr freaking Monster. You couldn't look away! I had to read the climax out loud to my husband it was so exciting! I wanted to like Pathfinder better than I did, and Scorch Trials didn't have much of a plot, now that I think about it. Imprints was good- just not really speculative fiction- the others are all rather sensational. Way of Kings- Epic Fantasy just ain't my thing. So for me it was pretty easy. Mr Monster.

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