Do You Know Me?

Quite possibly.

I’d estimate I know more than half of the regular commenters on this site in real life or via Facebook friendship under my real name.

And sometimes it’s really hard not to slip and mention something you’ve only told LDS Publisher when I’m talking to you in real life.

It’s even harder when some of you frequent commenters only know me as LDS Publisher, and then I see you in person—and I want to come up and give you a big hug like we’re old friends. Which is how I feel about you. But you would have no clue who that strange woman was who was suddenly hugging you. And I really, really don’t want to be arrested for stalking you.

Today’s hint: Go look at your list of Facebook friends. Compare what you know about them with the info on my About Page.

I’ll bet most of you will figure it out from this one clue, but if you do, keep it quiet for just a bit longer.

Now I want to know about you.

If YOU had a secret identity, what would it be?


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