Open Fire: J. Golden Kimball Takes on the South by Scott M. Hurst

Elder Rich finally ended with a solemnly pronounced “amen.” Golden added his amen and opened his eyes.

Four ragtag-looking hillbillies with rifles stood watching them. They’d evidently heard the elders from the road and had been watching them while they prayed. The one with the longest rifle and the least amount of teeth looked at them coldly. “Ya’ll ain’t from ’round here, are ya?”

Golden had never been much of a runner, but the staccato pop of gunfire gave him wings as he and Elder Rich burned the breeze through the trees and brush.

J. Golden Kimball is as happy as a pig in spring mud until he receives an unexpected mission call to the South. In this fast-paced story filled with holy hijinks and missionary mayhem, Golden squares off with his characteristic cowboy sense of humor against everything from spiteful preachers to the threat of death at the hands of the Ku Klux Klan.

Join Golden as he takes on the South with these unbelievable but true stories.

Read excerpt

Title: Open Fire: J. Golden Kimball Takes on the South

Author: Scott M. Hurst

Publisher: Bonneville Books/CFI

Release Date: June 12, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599559070

Size: 288 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Historical

The Vampire and the Highland Empath by Clover Autrey

Roque leaned over the woman and smoothed back her hair with a tenderness he didn’t know he still possessed. Soft as silk.

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”

Snaking an arm beneath her shoulders, he lifted her—and plunged his teeth into the vulnerable hollow of her neck.

Ecstasy flooded his veins. He hadn’t tasted blood in so long, the beast fully awoke. Hungry. So hungry.

Edeen, an empath from 13th Century Scotland, is caught in a sleeping enchantment for almost a thousand years. The venom of a vampire is the only thing that can wake her, but it turns out there are worse evils than vampires when she awakens in 1941 Scotland with a supernatural Nazi on her tail.

Read excerpt

Title: The Vampire and the Highland Empath (book 2)

Author: Clover Autrey

Publisher: CreateSpace

Release Date: June 12, 2012

ISBN: 978-1477641262

Size: 172 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Highland Sorceror Series: Highland Sorceror (bk 1)

Carnival Girl by Sonja Herbert

Fourteen-year-old Sonja has always known there is a God who loves her. But when you spend your life on the road with the carnival, traveling the country in a tiny caravan home, it’s hard to imagine a normal, churchgoing life.

Everything changes when Sonja meets two Mormon missionaries. Even though her parents don’t approve, her brothers and sisters taunt her, and her whole life is on the move, Sonja can’t help how she feels. Now she’ll have to choose between the carnival and her convictions, between her family and her faith.

Based on a true story.

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Title: Carnival Girl

Author: Sonja Herbert

Publisher: Cedar Fort

Release Date: June 12, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599559964

Size: 216 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Historical; Memoir

Quickened Chronicles: The Rifts of Rime by Steven L. Peck

“There is one thing which might show some commitment on your part…”

“Name it!” The Thane relaxed again on his spear.

“Deliver the Tail, alive, here, alone, one week from tonight.” The Wolf sat back on the grass of the meadow.

“I will send him, but you must kill him yourself. Agreed?”

The Wolf licked her chops. “Agreed.”

In a world overtaken by greed and a ruthless, power-hungry dictator, Pinecone knows he’s no warrior. But when he’s entrusted with the sacred Scroll of Quickening, an ancient record that holds great power, Pinecone must summon the courage to protect the scroll. If he doesn’t, its secrets will be lost forever.

Meanwhile, Pinecone’s friend Leafe is mounting a makeshift rebellion to fend off the Thane, whose evil might grows stronger every day. But her efforts may force her into some troubling alliances.


Read excerpt   Book Site

Title: Quickened Chronicles: The Rifts of Rime

Author: Steven L. Peck

Publisher: Sweetwater/Cedar Fort

Release Date: June 12, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599559674

Size: 280 pages, 5.5 x 8, softcover

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

The Lowdown on Multiple Submissions by Anita Mumm

Is it okay to query several agents at once? Absolutely. In fact, we recommend it. If you wait to hear back from each agent before approaching another, you could end up waiting months or years for an offer of representation. But there is a protocol to follow. Here are some things to bear in mind as you get ready to launch your volley of submissions.

  • It’s not necessary to say, “This is a multiple submission,” in your query letter (though there is nothing wrong with doing so). Unless you tell an agent she is your one shot and you can’t possibly see yourself working with someone else, the agent will assume that as a savvy writer you are not putting all your eggs in one basket.
  • After you send your query, keep agents posted on any major interest you receive for the project. Always check the agent’s website, blog, etc. to learn her preferences, but in general that means an offer of representation; you don’t need to send updates if you get another sample or full manuscript request. Also, if you sent your manuscript to editors before seeking an agent, it’s good to mention this in your query letter, and definitely keep agents posted if you receive an offer of publication.
  • If you receive an offer of representation from an agent, you have two choices: (1) Let him know that you are waiting to hear back from other agents you submitted to and ask for a reasonable period in which to make your decision—agents hate being forced to read a manuscript overnight. Or (2) decide you want to go with him and accept the offer. Either way, let everyone else know immediately. It’s very frustrating for an agent who has just spent hours reading your manuscript, only to learn that it is no longer available.

Remember that there’s a balance to be found with multiple submissions. Approaching only one or two agents decreases your chance of success, but firing off dozens of queries will only cause headaches as you try to keep track of where you are in each agent’s submission process. Focus on a handful of your top choices, and if they turn you down, go to your Plan B list, and so on. The bottom line is to be courteous and considerate throughout the process—life is unpredictable and you never know when you might be agent hunting again.

Anita Mumm is a Literary Assistant at the Nelson Literary Agency. This post was taken from their monthly newsletter and posted here with permission. To get more great industry news, subscribe to their newsletter.

Uneasy Fortunes by Mandi Ellsworth

He couldn’t help but wonder when he’d become so violent. He had in the last few weeks threatened two men and gotten into two fights. He hadn’t fought anyone since his pa had died. He drew a deep breath, trying to calm his anger at the man he’d just encountered, and as he inhaled a second time, his mind registered a pleasant smell. In fact, it had become his favorite scent. He looked down and inhaled again, this time aware it was coming from June’s hair. He realized suddenly how close she was and that he had his arm around her.

Pete tightened his hold on her. She was the reason. She was his reason for making a complete idiot of himself.

Battered by his previous life, Pete knows he has no business falling for anyone—especially his employer’s headstrong daughter. After all, the only thing romance has brought him in the past is more pain.

With a past of her own, June’s much too stubborn to let any man into her heart again. Not after the hurt she’s suffered already. But even time can’t treat all wounds. And that’s when love steps in to make things right.

Inspired by a true story of the post-Civil War South, this gentle, rustic romance will leave you with a renewed hope in the healing power of real love.

Read excerpt

Title: Uneasy Fortunes

Author: Mandi Ellsworth

Publisher: Sweetwater/CFI

Release Date: June 12, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599559858

Size: 240 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Historical

Broken by C.K. Bryant

With Kira injured and dying, Octavion’s last hope is to plead with the king of Panthera for a cure. But King Ramla’s magic isn’t free. The price he asks Octavion to pay goes against everything he’s fought so hard to protect and could destroy his bond with Kira.

Will Octavion trade his crown and swear allegiance to a kingdom feared by all, or will he sacrifice the woman he loves to remain faithful to his father and Xantara?

Read excerpt

Title: Broken (The Crystor, book 2)

Author: C.K. Bryant

Publisher: CreateSpace/Self

Release Date: June 7, 2012

ISBN: 978-1477603000

Size: 362 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

The Crystor Series: Bound (bk 1)

The Shapeshifter’s Secret by Heather Ostler

She tried telling herself to stop, but it was useless. Something had fully claimed her mind and body. A sound began to erupt from inside her chest, a deep sort of growl that seized her entire being. She felt as if a grizzly bear were inside her, trying to escape. And then a deafening roar echoed from her mouth, only inches away from Lancer’s face.

It took everything inside of her not to attack him.

Like any sixteen-year-old, Julia’s used to dealing with problems. From her overprotective father to her absent mother to a teacher who definitely has it in for her. But everything changes when Julia’s reactions become oddly vicious and angry—more animal than human.

Julia is finally discovering what—not who—she is.

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Title: The Shapeshifter’s Secret

Author: Heather Ostler

Publisher: Sweetwater/CFI

Release Date: June 12, 2012

ISBN: 978-1462110339

Size: 328 pages, 6×9, hardcover

Genre: YA Paranormal

Writing Prompt: Setting

This is a two-part writing exercise.

Part 1: 60 second drill

Set a timer and for 60 seconds, list everything you can think of that you could find in a school.


Part 2: Write a story or scene using every word on your list BUT don’t set it in or anywhere near a school.

If you do it, leave a comment and let us know how it went. If you’re really brave, post your writing on your blog and share your link with us. If you want, feel free to encourage your blog visitors to participate and link back here to this post.


Rogue Wave by Christie Anderson

After five months of blissful pretending, Sadie and Rayne are practically the couple of the year. At least, according to Sadie’s friends at school they are.

But she knows the truth. Their feelings are just an illusion. Now, with graduation and college right around the corner, Sadie realizes she can’t put off the inevitable any longer. She has to make a choice. Take the easy way out and run away from her problems, as usual, or move forward with courage and discover her own destiny.

But when Ash Hastings, the son of the black-eyed man who almost drove Sadie to her death last November and Rayne’s supposed best friend, makes an unnerving appearance in Sadie’s life again, the path to her future takes an unexpected turn.

And this time, Sadie’s life isn’t the only one in danger.

Read excerpt

Title: Rogue Wave (The Water Keepers, book 2)

Author: Christie Anderson

Publisher: Self

Release Date: June 1, 2012


Size: ebook (Print version coming soon)

Genre: YA Paranormal

The Water Keepers Series:  Deep Blue Secret (Book 1)

Traditional vs. Self-publishing is a False Dichotomy by Nathan Bransford

I really like Nathan’s take on this. Go read it!

Us vs. them is fun. It gets people’s blood boiling. It instills fear. It’s thrilling to be on a team, especially when you feel like your team is winning.

These days it seems like traditional and self-publishing are increasingly pitted against each other on blogs and forums, as if one side or the other is the bastion of all that is good and pure in the world and the other side is the bastion of all that is horrible and evil.

This is insane.

There is no “us” vs. “them.” Traditional vs. self-publishing is a false dichotomy. It’s an illusion created by people who either have let their frustrations get the best of them or are trying to sell you something. We’re all writers trying to figure out the best way to get our books to readers. We’re all on the same team.

Read the rest of the article here.


So what do YOU think?


Nathan Bransford is the author of Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow (Dial, May 2011), Jacob Wonderbar for President of the Universe (Dial, April 2012) and Jacob Wonderbar and the Interstellar Time Warp (Dial, March 2013). He was formerly a literary agent with Curtis Brown Ltd. and is now the social media manager at CNET. He lives in San Francisco.

Altercation by Tamara Hart Heiner

The FBI promises Jacinta Rivera and her friends that they are safe. Jaci wants desperately to believe them but weeks of hiding from their kidnapper, alias “The Hand”, have left her wary. Hidden from the public eye in an FBI safe house, Jaci must reconcile both the mysterious disappearance of her father and the murder of her best friend.

A betrayal lands Jaci back in the grasp of The Hand, shattering her ability to trust and leaving her to wonder if she will ever piece together her broken life.

Read excerpt

Title: Altercation

Author: Tamara Hart Heiner

Publisher: WiDo Publishing

Release Date: June 5, 2012

ISBN: 978-1937178215

Size: 250 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: YA Suspense

Series: Perilous (bk 1)

Is an ebook only publishing offer worth it?

Hi LDS Publisher!

A smaller, but quickly growing, publisher has very recently offered to publish my book (yay!). Because I am a new author, they want to publish it first as an e-book. If the book sells, then they would publish the book more traditionally. Is this a new trend in publishing? What are your thoughts?


I’ve seen this popping up more often. From a publisher’s standpoint, it’s a very safe offer to make. It limits the financial risk significantly. They don’t have to come up with the cash to invest in a full print run, the cost of warehousing and shipping the books, nor take the chance that they’ll end up with a stack of books they can’t sell and a loss in their profit margin. Too many wrong guesses and a small press is out of business.

From the author’s perspective, it’s not such a good deal. Yes, more and more consumers are using e-readers, but there’s still a large group of readers who want tangible print books. Your sales are limited right there. Also, the lower the financial risk to the publisher, the greater the temptation to give up if initial marketing tactics don’t work. Kind of the “cut your losses” mentality.

Here’s a checklist I’d go through with the publisher before signing:

    • What resources SPECIFICALLY are they going to put into creating your ebook?


    • Will it get a close edit?


    • Are they going to design a good cover that will help sell the book?


    • How will the book be coded? Are they just going to take your Word file and run it through an autocoder? (You can do that yourself.) Or will they actually take the time to have someone look at the code and clean it up?


    • What are their marketing plans?


    • How will they let the consumer know the book exists?


    • Will they set up a virtual tour for you?


    • Do they use the various social medias to spread the word?


    • Do they have a customer base they send emails to?


In my opinion, it’s better to stay unpublished than to have an unedited or poorly marketed book just sitting out there and languishing in cyberspace.

Another thought: If a publisher is going to assign resources to do a good edit, create a cover that will sell, and then typeset it enough to make a clean ebook, then they’re 90% of the way there for a print edition as well. They might as well do the little extra it takes and create a print version using CreateSpace (Amazon’s print on demand service) and at least have that available to online customers.

Readers, what do you think?

Serial Hottie by Kelly Oram

Ellie’s sweet sixteen is a summer of firsts. First car. First kiss. First boyfriend. First serial-killing stalker?

Hockey-obsessed tomboy Eleanor Westley has never been the object of a guy’s affection before. So when the hottest boy she’s ever seen moves in across the street and starts treating her like she’s the center of his universe, naturally she’s going to be a little skeptical. But everything starts to make sense when girls who look just like Ellie start dying all around the city. Obviously the new guy is the killer, and of course he only likes her because he wants to slice her into tiny pieces. Right?

The more Ellie gets to know Seth the more she’s convinced he’s a psychopathic killer. The problem is he’s the sweetest psychopathic killer she’s ever met. Not to mention he’s brutally hot. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t help but fall for him.

Will Ellie find true love, or will her summer of firsts turn out to be a summer of lasts?


Read excerpt

Title: Serial Hottie

Author: Kelly Oram

Publisher: Bluefields (self)

Release Date: June 5, 2012

ISBN: 978-0985627713

Size: 404 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: YA Romantic Suspense

Surrender by Elana Johnson

Forbidden love, intoxicating power, and the terror of control…

Raine has always been a good girl. She lives by the rules in Freedom. After all, they are her father’s rules: He’s the Director. It’s because of him that Raine is willing to use her talent—a power so dangerous, no one else is allowed to know about it. Not even her roommate, Vi.

All of that changes when Raine falls for Gunner. Raine’s got every reason in the world to stay away from Gunn, but she just can’t. Especially when she discovers his connection to Vi’s boyfriend, Zenn.

Raine has never known anyone as heavily brainwashed as Vi. Raine’s father expects her to spy on Vi and report back to him. But Raine is beginning to wonder what Vi knows that her father is so anxious to keep hidden, and what might happen if she helps Vi remember it. She’s even starting to suspect Vi’s secrets might involve Freedom’s newest prisoner, the rebel Jag Barque….

Read excerpt

Title: Surrender

Author: Elana Johnson

Publisher: Simon Pulse

Release Date: June 5, 2012

ISBN: 978-1442445680

Size: 480 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Young Adult Dystopian

Series: Possession (bk 1)

How I Went From Writing 2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day by Rachel Aaron

We’re all busy. Incredibly busy. Finding time to write requires dedication and determination. For some of us, every precious writing minute counts! So how do we make those minutes the most productive? Here is what fantasy writer Rachel Aaron did.

When I started writing The Spirit War (Eli novel #4), I had a bit of a problem. I had a brand new baby and my life (like every new mother’s life) was constantly on the verge of shambles. I paid for a sitter four times a week so I could get some writing time, and I guarded these hours like a mama bear guards her cubs – with ferocity and hiker-mauling violence. To keep my schedule and make my deadlines, I needed to write 4000 words during each of these carefully arranged sessions. I thought this would be simple. After all, before I quit my job to write full time I’d been writing 2k a day in the three hours before work. Surely with 6 hours of baby free writing time, 4k a day would be nothing….

Read the rest of her article here.

How do you make your writing minutes count?

The Golden Boy by Kristen Randle

Okay, this is about me, Brandon, the kid who owned the whole entire world for at least two and a half hours.

So listen—if anybody ever tries to tell you that you’re just average? Do NOT listen to them. They have no idea whatsoever.

If you read this, you should probably get some really long paper—like a roll of toilet paper or something—so you can take notes on the dumb junk that happens in here, so you won’t do the same dumb junk if this ever happens to you.

And don’t think it won’t. Just don’t mess with magic, is all. Super big mistake.

All this stuff was really scary when it happened to me. But when I read the way she told it in this book? It was pretty funny.

What? You thought I was going to write down all this stuff myself?

Read excerpt

Title: The Golden Boy

Author: Kristen Randle

Publisher: Ponymoon Press

Release Date: June 4, 2012

ISBN: 978-1477602768

Size: 170 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

Reality Check by Karen Tuft

After college graduation, Lucy Kendrick heads home with big plans for work, travel, and relishing her freedom—which means no romantic entanglements. But her two best friends have other ideas. Lucy is seriously steamed when she realizes they’ve signed her up to be a contestant on the reality dating show Soulmates, but she decides not to renege and soon finds herself in Los Angeles a small-town Mormon girl vying for the love of millionaire bachelor Ethan Glass.

At first this cute, smart, fun young woman, who would rather pray than party, bewilders Ethan. But his interest and admiration grow with every encounter. However, the conniving associate producer is determined to stir up some made-for-TV drama and takes strides to make this reality television show anything but real. When the show finally airs, Lucy has been recast as someone she unquestionably is not. Lucy is left humiliated in front of the world, and Ethan is left wondering who the Lucy is that he was falling in love with. Will the duplicities that have created this humiliation ever come to light? And will the truth emerge too late for the would-be soulmates?

Read excerpt

Title: Reality Check

Author: Karen Tuft

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: June 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1608613977

Size: 304 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Romance

New by J Adams

Cosset is a lost soul with nothing left to live for.

Chance Hunter is a man on a mission. Desperately in love, he is willing to do anything, be anything, and give everything that he is to show Cosset that life is still worth living. He is bound and determined to heal her battle-weary heart and claim it as his own.

Read excerpt

Title: New

Author: J Adams

Publisher: Jewel of the West

Release Date: June 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-0615651514

Size: 46 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: Romance

*This book is too short to be eligible for a Whitney Award

Frogspell by Danyelle Leafty

A fairy godmother on probation needs a certain kind of story. A story that lets her make the best possible impression. A story with a neat Happily Ever After just waiting to happen.

This isn’t that story.

Instead, Nerissa’s DID (Damsel in Distress) has a heart that only a mother could love, and a stepsister with a sweet disposition and a striking resemblance to the girls Nerissa has worked with in the past.

If Nerissa wants to bring about a Happily Ever After for this story, she’s also going to need a prince, a touch of criminal ingenuity, and a whole lot of luck.
But when the Prince Charming Nerissa kidnapped for the occasion falls for the stepsister instead of her DID, she’s going to need to make some tough decisions. Follow her heart and help the stepsister, unofficially, of course? Or fulfill her contract—even if that means helping her DID take over the kingdom?

Frogspell is a retelling of The Bluebird.

Read excerpt

Title: Frogspell (The Fairy Godmother Dilemma, Book 4)

Author: Danyelle Leafty

Publisher: Danyelle Leafty

Release Date: June 2, 2012


Size: 262 pages, ebook

Genre: YA Fantasy

Series: Catspell (bk 1), Firespell (bk 2), Applespell (bk3)

June 2012 Prize Sponsors

Last month’s prize winners announced HERE.

There are new (as of THIS MONTH!) guidelines and entry requirements for winning one of these books. Please take a look at the updated Official Rules.

A big thank you to our Prize Sponsors! Please take a moment to learn more about this month’s wonderfully generous sponsors.


Altercation by Tamara Heiner

The FBI promises Jacinta Rivera and her friends that they are safe. Jaci wants desperately to believe them but weeks of hiding from their kidnapper, alias “The Hand”, have left her wary. Hidden from the public eye in an FBI safe house, Jaci must reconcile both her father’s mysterious disappearance and the murder of her best friend.

A betrayal lands Jaci back in the grasp of The Hand, shattering her ability to trust and leaving her to wonder if she will ever piece together her broken life.


About Tamara Hart Heiner: I live in Arkansas with my husband and three children. I graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English. I teach English in the mornings and spend the rest of the day avoiding laundry and other chores, all in the name of parenting. Sometimes I get to sit down in front of the computer and write for a few hours. And if my husband’s lucky, I make something for dinner besides macaroni and cheese.


Change of Heart by Roseanne Evans Wilkins

Post image for Change of Heart by Roseanne Evans Wilkins


Christina Andrews is trying to put the pieces of her broken heart together. She accepts a generous offer from her aunt and uncle to accompany them to Israel to watch their infant son.

While watching her cousin, she finds herself face to face with the Japanese Mafia and becomes the only obstacle for them to execute a plan none can hope to survive.

Roseanne Evans Wilkins: was the second oldest of 9 children, so I grew up in a house full of noisy kids. Craig grew up in a house with just 2 quiet kids. Opposites attract lol. Since I’m the one home, we filled the house with kids. I’d go crazy with silence. Craig manages the noise level by traveling all over the U.S. teaching other adults how to audit.

With 5 kids in sports, I keep busy running them to their practices and games. After hectic days running kids everywhere and taking care of three pre-schoolers, I find quiet time after everyone is in bed to write. I hope you enjoy the results :) .

You can visit Roseanne at her blog, Roseanne’s Spot.


Gifts and Consequences by Daniel Coleman

When multi-millionaire Jonathan Wheeler’s wife contracts a debilitating illness, it transforms both of their lives. No longer concerned with business and finance, Jonathan turns his attention to giving. But no gift comes without a price, and those unwilling to pay the price learn that no gift comes without a consequence.

The recipients of these gifts vary as greatly as the terms of Jonathan’s unusual contracts. From the high school Senior who gets sold-out concert tickets, and the food addict who receives tuition to a weight loss program, to the man who is given the chance to walk to the ends of the earth to save his true love’s life.

Each accepts the gift with the understanding that there’s always a catch, and anyone who agrees to Jonathan’s terms risks losing even more than they stand to gain.


Daniel Coleman spends his time back and forth between two worlds – the fantastic world of Writing where happy endings are common, and the very real- life world of Firefighting where the outcomes are as varied as the emergencies.A small farming town in northern Utah is his home, where he resides with his wife, 3 kids and an ever-changing menagerie.

Daniel got his start in writing the same place he started reading–Fantasy (See Jabberwocky and Hatter). But other projects demanded their due and Gifts and Consequences resulted. He is currently working on follow-up books as well as polishing a science-based Urban Fantasy novel, New Phoenix Rising, which recently won First Place in the League of Utah Writers Contest!


With All My Love, Misty by Misty Covington

He comes from a dysfunctional home where the brothers were involved with violence and drug use. She comes from a supportive, loving family environment. Both are Mormons. Both served missions for their church. She works in a drug rehab facility as a counselor. He comes to the facility on a court-ordered drug rehab program. It is where they meet: Dino DiLello, the charismatic and natural leader, too often on the wrong side of the law and Misty Squire, the pretty blonde social worker eighteen years his junior, who has a firm commitment to doing what s right.

Dino and Misty are drawn together in a powerful love that surprises them both. They are married and face a bright and hopeful future. Dino has left his lawless past behind him. Or has he? The night that changes everything brings up troubling questions.

As Misty comes to terms with her worst fears, she must also decide at what cost to pursue the truth behind that night. And somehow she must learn to live with a grief that seems to break her heart beyond all healing.

Misty Covington is a story teller of life.  Some sad. Some funny.  Most teach. All true.  When she is not telling the stories of life, she’s living them by trying to help the world as a social worker and public speaker, to be the best wicked step-mother in the history of wicked step-mothers, by being the last and best wife to her husband, and trying anything new as long as there is an ice cream treat afterwards.


When I changed the way I had you enter to win books, my comments dropped dramatically. So we’re trying something new: RAFFLECOPTER!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

One entry per comment per day! One extra entry for “liking” LDS Publisher on Facebook. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Limited to U.S. residents. Deadline to enter: June 30, 2012, midnight, Eastern Time. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. CLICK HERE to read the Official Rules.

*P.S. The first time you leave a comment on the blog, I have to approve it/you. I had to do this because of all the spam this site has been attracting lately. After that first approval, your comments go live immediately. You don’t have to wait for approval to enter your name in Rafflecopter.

CLICK HERE for details on sponsoring the contest.

May 2012 Prize Winners

Here are the randomly selected winners of last month’s  “Win These Books!” Contest.

Thanks again to our sponsors. Please take a moment to read their info here.



Josi S. Kilpack

Winner: Paige Blaser


Dead Running


Cami Checketts

Winner: Lou Boothe


Hearts of Courage


John M. Tippets

Winner: Gale Nelson


My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend


Elodia Strain

Winner: Susan Jensen




Cindy M. Hogan

Winner: Carol Johannes


Tanned, Toned and Totally Faking It


Whitney Boyd

Winner: Lisa Kingsford


Congratulations! I will contact each of you via the email address you used to enter for the contest. You will need to send me your mailing address by Friday, June 15, 2012.

Click here to learn how you can win a copy of one of our sponsoring books.

Click here for details on sponsoring the LDS Publisher blogs.


With All My Love, Misty by Misty DiLello Covington

He comes from a dysfunctional home where the brothers were involved with violence and drug use. She comes from a supportive, loving family environment. Both are Mormons. Both served missions for their church. She works in a drug rehab facility as a counselor. He comes to the facility on a court-ordered drug rehab program. It is where they meet: Dino DiLello, the charismatic and natural leader, too often on the wrong side of the law and Misty Squire, the pretty blonde social worker eighteen years his junior, who has a firm commitment to doing what’s right.

Dino and Misty are drawn together in a powerful love that surprises them both. They are married and face a bright and hopeful future. Dino has left his lawless past behind him. Or has he? The night that changes everything brings up troubling questions.

As Misty comes to terms with her worst fears, she must also decide at what cost to pursue the truth behind that night. And somehow she must learn to live with a grief that seems to break her heart beyond all healing.


Title: With All My Love, Misty: Memoir of a Broken Heart

Author: Misty DiLello Covington

Publisher: WiDo Publishing

Release Date: May 22, 2012

ISBN: 978-1937178161

Size: 200 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Memoir

Come to Zion: The Winds and the Waves by Dean Hughes

Will Lewis is stuck. the class system in England in the 1840s seems destined to keep him in his place as a poor tenant farmer who cannot improve his lot and will never be able to marry the woman he loves. But the “new religion” that is sweeping through congregations of the United Brethren, Will’s church, may hold the key to the better life he longs for. As he listens to the preaching of Wilford Woodruff, he almost dares to hope for the Zion the young Apostle describes.

Will’s struggles to believe and to face the rigors of immigrating to an unknown land are paralleled by the modern-day story of Jeff and Abby, a young married couple facing challenges of their own. When Jeff begins digging into his family history, he finds himself particularly drawn to “Grandpa Lewis,” an ancestor whose life was more like his than he would have imagined.

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Title: Come the Zion: The Winds and the Waves

Author: Dean Hughes

Publisher: Deseret Book

Release Date: May 29, 2012


Size: 444 pages, 6×9, hardcover

Genre: Historical