Four Times the Trouble by Tara Taylor Quinn

Girl trouble. Jacob’s seven-year-old triplets are a handful. Allie is organizing her teacher to death. Jessie is crying in class. Meggie is becoming almost reclusive. Jacob is told what the triplets need is a woman in their lives. But the last thing Jacob needs is to exchange girl trouble for…

Woman trouble. Jacob’s gone that route before. All it did was get his daughters’ hopes up—his hopes up—only to end in disappointment. Maybe the answer is to enlist the help of a friend, someone like his partner, Michelle.…

Big trouble. Unfortunately, what Jacob begins to feel for Michelle is more than just friendship. And while Michelle’s willing to be a surrogate mother to Jacob’s children, it’s going to take a lot of convincing for her to consider the idea of being a wife to him.

Read excerpt

Title: Four Times the Trouble

Author: Tara Taylor Quinn

Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases

Release Date: May 1, 2012


Size: 173 pages, ebook

Genre: Romance

Becoming Bayley by Susan Auten

Bayley Albrecht’s dream is to play soccer on BYU’s South Field. When she is invited to soccer camp the summer before her senior year in high school, she just knows she’s one step closer to her dream. Things get even better when she meets Matt Macauley, the star of the men’s soccer team. When they decide to write each other while Matt is on his mission, Bayley figures her life can’t get any better. But it certainly can get worse . . .

After she receives a minor concussion from playing soccer, Bayley discovers she had a disease called alopecia which causes her to lose her hair. As Bayley struggles to deal with the reality of her baldness she finds herself having to make some tough decisions. Can she still play soccer? Does she even want to? More importantly, should she tell Matt? And will he still want her when she does?

Becoming Bayley is the story of one girl’s journey through self-discovery, of the definition of true love, and of the realization that as a daughter of God, she is of infinite worth.

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Title: Becoming Bailey

Author: Susan Auten

Publisher: Deseret Book

Release Date: May 9, 2012

ISBN: 978-1-60907-196-7

Size: 214 pages, eBook

Genre: Romance

Waiting by Carol Lynch Williams

Growing up, London and Zach were as close as could be.

And then Zach dies, and the family is gutted.

London’s father is distant. Her mother won’t speak. The days are filled with what-ifs and whispers: Was it London’s fault?

Alone and adrift, London finds herself torn between her brother’s best friend and the handsome new boy in town as she struggles to find herself—and ultimately redemption.

Read excerpt

Title: Waiting

Author: Carol Lynch Williams

Publisher: Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1442443532

Size: 352 pages, hardcover

Genre: Young Adult

Shayla Witherwood by Tamra Torero

A brief moment of disappointment washed over me as I approached Jace’s motionless body. Here I was, about to kiss a boy on the lips for the very first time, and he was completely comatose—possibly paralyzed—and would never even know or remember the experience. This was not how I’d envisioned my first kiss—me invisible, him unconscious.

Shayla Witherwood is not exactly normal. First, she’s spent her entire life being homeschooled, traveling in an RV around the country with her grandparents. And second, there’s the kind of inescapable fact that her mom was a genuine faerie.

But now that she’s starting a real life in a regular high school, Shayla desperately needs to stay out of trouble in both worlds, because even her faerie powers might not be enough to protect her from what’s coming.

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Title: Shayla Witherwood: A Half-Faerie Tale

Author: Tamra Torero

Publisher: Sweetwater/Cedar Fort

Release Date: May 8, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599559636

Size: 312 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Charlie’s Girl by Mary-Helen and Daniel Foxx

“Are you Rosalind?” Grace asked with doubt in her voice as she searched the young girl’s face for some sign of recognition. But there was none, just a blank expression that greeted her. How strange. She’d always pictured her granddaughter as a blond.

“Yes, and you are…” the girl hesitated for words.

“I’m Grace Matthews. I’m your grandmother,” the older woman said a little too stiffly.

By the time fourteen-year-old Rosalind arrives in Grayson, South Carolina, she’s spent nearly her whole life in the foster care system without a family, without a past, and without a home.

But the sudden discovery of a long-lost grandmother and a house full of momentos from her father’s childhood isn’t quite the happy ending Rosalind was hoping for. Instead, it’s just the first step in uncovering the secrets from her past—and maybe even the key to her future.

Set in the 1960s, this unique novel breathes life into a forgotten era and illustrates how much you can discover from your own family’s history. This unforgettable story of family, friendship, and faith is perfect for readers of all ages.

Read excerpt

Title: Charlie’s Girl

Author: Mary-Helen and Daniel Foxx

Publisher: Bonneville/Cedar Fort

Release Date: May 8, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599559681

Size: 200 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: YA

From Page to Page to Screen by Michaelbrent Collings

People often ask me things. Things like, “How can I improve my protagonist’s character arc?” and “Why is it important to have three acts?” and “Could you please stop staring at me? It’s creeping me out.” And those are all good questions. Except the last one. I wasn’t staring at you, I just lose the ability to focus my eyes sometimes.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. Questions.

Another question I’m asked occasionally deals with writing novels versus writing screenplays.

I know a bit about both. My novel RUN was’s bestselling sci-fi novel for a while. It was also on the bestseller lists for horror and thrillers (it’s a “genre bender”). Another novel of mine, Billy: Messenger of Powers, a fun YA fantasy about a boy who discovers he’s in the middle of a secret magical war that will determine the fate of humanity, has been on numerous Amazon bestseller lists for most of the past year.

And as for screenwriting, well… I’ve had screenplays do very well in numerous high-profile screenplay contests. I’ve optioned screenplays (and if you don’t know what that is, trust me, it’s pretty cool), and been hired to do rewrite work on scripts. I’ve also sold several screenplays, and am a member of the Writers Guild of America (which is statistically harder to get into than major league baseball). So I’ve got some street cred in that world, too.

And let me tell you something: they are different worlds. Some people think that screenwriting would be easier than novel writing. After all, a screenplay only demands about 100 pages of writing (much of which has margins that dramatically cut down on the word count per page), while a novel requires hundreds of pages and tens of thousands of words.

But in reality, I have found that both have their “easy” parts and their “hard” parts, their ups and downs. Novels do require “more” work from the point of view of simple quantity, but they also allow you more leeway to spend time creating a world, to establish a credible narrative voice and reel the audience in. In scripts, you generally have about 200 words to “hook” your audience. After that, they’re just not interested. On the other hand, scripts don’t require you to explain the backstory of every major character in exhaustive detail (though most competent writers will at least have a sound idea what that backstory is).

In sum, both are different kinds of storytelling. I liken them to speaking different languages. It is possible to be fluent in both, but it also takes a lot of effort. That’s why a lot of novelists write atrocious screenplays, and why a lot of screenwriters get bogged down and lost in the mazes of novel-writing.

But it can be done. And why? Because at their heart, both are in service of a common goal: telling a story. Whether on the page, or on the screen (or, in the case of some of my work, on the page of a novel and THEN on the page of a screenplay and THEN on the screen of a theater), the storyteller has one rule: engage the audience in a compelling story that will allow them to have experiences that they could not otherwise have.

I think that’s the great thing about novels and movies: their ability to speak to us, to take us from one place to another in the blink of an eye. To give us the gift of story, the thrill of a tale well-told.

Again, they are different languages. But all languages, at their heart, are about talking, about communicating. And similarly, whether in a book or on the screen, a good story-teller is at the heart of each tale.


Michaelbrent is a bestselling novelist whose books RUN and Billy: Messenger of Powers have been bestsellers. He is also a produced screenwriter and member of both the Writers Guild of America and the Horror Writers of America. His blog is at, and you can follow him on Facebook at or on twitter @mbcollings.

The Waxing Moon by J. Lloyd Morgan

A faraway kingdom.
A brave warrior.
An unexpected danger.
An ancient secret.
A desperate plan.

Fear is running rampant in Bariwon. The people of a small village near the northern mountains have vanished. Newly commissioned royal guardian Snapdragon is sent with a scouting party to investigate. His responsibility is to protect the non-soldiers, including Seraphina, a stunning young nursemaid. When the party arrives, they make a shocking discovery.

During the chaos that follows, Snapdragon discovers his feelings toward Seraphina are more than protective. Soon, he is forced to make difficult choices that will impact the future of everyone in Bariwon.

Title: The Waxing Moon

Author: J. Lloyd Morgan

Publisher: Walnut Springs Press

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599928562

Size: 342 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: Fantasy

Series: The Hidden Sun (bk 1)

Red Cell by Mark Henshaw

After her first assignment in Venezuela goes disastrously awry, rookie case officer Kyra Stryker is brought back to Langley to work in the Red Cell, the CIA’s out-of-the-box think tank. There she’s paired with Jonathan Burke, a straitlaced analyst who has alienated his colleagues with his unorthodox methods and a knack for always being right, political consequences be damned.

When a raid on Chinese spies in Taiwan ends in a shoot-out and the release of a deadly chemical, CIA director Kathy Cooke turns to the Red Cell to figure out why China is ready to invade the island nation without any fear of reprisal from the US Navy. Stryker and Burke’s only lead is the top CIA asset in China, code named Pioneer. But when Pioneer reports that Chinese security has him under surveillance, Stryker is offered a chance for redemption with a highly dangerous mission: extract Pioneer from China before he’s arrested and executed. The answers he holds could mean the difference between peace in the Pacific or another world war.

From CIA headquarters to the White House to a Navy carrier in the South China Sea and the dark alleyways of Beijing, Red Cell takes readers on a whirlwind race against time as Stryker and Burke work to save Pioneer and discover the hidden threat to America’s power: China’s top-secret weapon.

Read excerpt

Title: Red Cell

Author: Mark Henshaw

Publisher: Touchstone (Simon & Schuster)

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1451661934

Size: 326 pages, hardcover

Genre: Suspense—military/espionage/political thriller

The Road to Grace by Richard Paul Evans

Reeling from the sudden loss of his wife, his home, and his business, Alan Christoffersen, a once-successful advertising executive, has left everything he knew behind and set off on an extraordinary cross-country journey. Carrying only a backpack, he is walking from Seattle to Key West, the farthest destination on his map.

Now almost halfway through his trek, Alan sets out to walk the nearly 1,000 miles between South Dakota and St. Louis, but it’s the people he meets along the way who give the journey its true meaning: a mysterious woman who follows Alan’s walk for close to a hundred miles, the ghost hunter searching graveyards for his wife, and the elderly Polish man who gives Alan a ride and shares a story that Alan will never forget.

Full of hard-won wisdom and truth, The Road to Grace is a compelling and inspiring novel about hope, healing, grace, and the meaning of life.

Read excerpt       Book Trailer

Title: The Road to Grace (The Walk #3)

Author: Richard Paul Evans

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Release Date: May 8, 2012

ISBN: 978-1451628180

Size: 256 pages, hardcover

Genre: General

Series: The Walk (bk 1), Miles to Go (bk 2)

At Season’s End by Eric Hendershot

Even the river didn’t stop Paw. Clothes and all, he jumped into the whirlin’, swirlin’ waters of the great Columbia.

At this Maw let out a scream. Mebby she thought Paw was goin’ to end it all. Then Tim yelled, “Oh, no, Paw!” But I was too surprised and scared to say anythin’.

I suppose it was just a second or two, but it seemed like minutes before he came up again to show us he had two heads and four arms. Then the mighty water turned him over to prove he had four legs. That was when we realized Paw was holdin’ on for dear life to a young drownin’ boy.

Hit hard by the Great Depression, Sal’s family loads up an old Buick and heads out to find work wherever they can. Driving from place to place, living off the little they can make, they soon realize they’ll never be able to afford to settle down again.

Then, when tragedy strikes, Sal and her brother must learn to fend for themselves. In a world of harsh realities, there’s no room left for romance. But that can’t stop Sal from dreaming of a life with Ben—a boy from another migrant family—even though she knows she may never see him again.

Read excerpt

Title: At Season’s End

Author: Eric Hendershot

Publisher: Sweetwater/CFI

Release Date: May 8, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599559957

Size: 176 pages, 5.5×8.5, softcover

Genre: Young Adult Historical

What’s Hot by Sara Megibow

I took some excellent notes at the [RWA Spring Fling Conference] conference this weekend. Here’s the insider scoop —directly from workshops and the bar. (You have to guess which is actually the better source for “what’s hot” info.)

  • Middle grade (all kinds—contemporary, historical, paranormal, fantastical). This is fiction aimed at the 10- to 14-year-old reader and runs in the 30,000 to 60,000 word count. Want an example? Follow Stefan Bachmann’s debut for THE PECULIAR at
  • For contemporary romance, I heard people drooling over cowboys, westerns, and anything with a cat.
  • Victorian historical romance (historical romance set in the later 1800s instead of the typical Regency time frame of 1814-1816).
  • Anything and everything funny (like Susan Elizabeth Phillips, and since I’m biased about it, like Tiffany Reisz).


Sarah Megibow is an Associate Literary Agent at the Nelson Literary Agency. This post was taken from their most recent newsletter. To get more great industry news, subscribe to their newsletter.

My Heart for Yours by Stephanie Campbell & Jolene Perry

For Tobin and Delia, everything was always equal.

A bargain, a trade, a deal to be struck.

A kiss for a kiss.

Your shirt for mine.

Break my heart, I’ll break yours.

Their disastrous split was no different. Tobin’s spent the last year pretending Delia never existed, and Delia’s been in D.C., pretending to be anything but the country girl that she is.

When tragedy brings her back to town, Tobin and Delia realize that time apart hasn’t healed either one of them. But staying away from each other is harder than they imagined, especially in small town Louisiana, and old feelings are quickly brought back to the surface.

In the mess they’ve created, is there anything to be salvaged of a love that they both thought would be forever?

Read excerpt 

Title: My Heart for Yours

Author: Stephanie Campbell & Jolene Perry

Publisher: CreateSpace

Release Date: May 4, 2012

ISBN: 978-1475280906

Size: 254 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: YA Contemporary Romance

Within the Dark Hills by Sian Ann Bessey

Desperate to escape the unwanted advances of a cruel master, chambermaid Annie Morgan runs miles through stormy weather to find sanctuary at the home of Reverend and Mrs. Davies. Without family and tainted by scandal, she’s in dire need of a new identity and an occupation to match. Equally bleak is the future of Evan Powell, a miner who harbors dreams of escaping the black mines that are slowly killing him and finding refuge under the promised blue skies of America. But recently, the wife who Evan adored died, leaving the devoted father struggling to care for his young daughter, Jane.

To benefit both Annie and Evan, the kindly reverend arranges a marriage of convenience, one that is quietly contracted in a hasty ceremony. An event that sparks pointed gossip among those in the small Welsh town and outright rejection from Evan’s family. Annie must tread carefully lest she let slip anything about her past, particularly when she learns that her former master has been afoot, inquiring about a missing maid. More importantly, she feels she must avoid any emotional entanglements with Evan, who remains devoted to his beloved deceased wife. But as Evan works with Annie to care for Jane, Evan knows their relationship is growing into something more and must face the torments of a divided heart. And in the midst of Mormon missionaries preaching a strange new religion, disaster strikes the town and Annie’s troubled history can no longer be hidden.

Read excerpt   View trailer  Book Site

Title: Within the Dark Hills

Author: Sian Ann Bessey

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: April 26, 2012

ISBN: 978-1608611065

Size: 224 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Historical

Series: X

2011 Whitney Award Winners!


2011 Best General

Before I Say Goodbye
by Rachel Ann Nunes

2011 Best Historical

Letters in the Jade Dragon Box
by Gale Sears

2011 Best Romance

Borrowed Light
by Carla Kelly

2011 Best Mystery/Suspense

Rearview Mirror
by Stephanie Black

2011 Best Youth Fiction General

With a Name Like Love
by Tess Hilmo

2011 Best Youth Fiction Speculative

by Robison Wells

2011 Best Speculative Fiction

The Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novel
by Brandon Sanderson

2011 Best Novel by A New Author

With a Name Like Love
by Tess Hilmo

2011 Novel of the Year

I Don’t Want To Kill You
by Dan Wells

Azure by Cheree Alsop

Azure, the fifth book of the Silver Series, is about an alpha werewolf who rescues a human from the vengeful grasp of his pack. Nora is the only person who is not afraid of Vance’s size or strength, and in return she gains his respect. When Vance is pushed to the edge of survival, his heart is torn between loving Nora and a werewolf who befriends him with the kindness that is greatly lacking in his life.

Azure is a story of strength beyond the endurance of the body. In a world turned upside down by violence, the choice between what the heart wants and the safest solution can be the most important decision of all.

Read excerpt

Title: Azure (The Silver Series, book 5)

Author: Cheree Alsop

Publisher: Self

Release Date: May 2, 2012


Size: 172 pages, eBook

Genre: YA Paranormal

Series: Silver (bk 1), Black (bk 2), Crimson (bk 3), Violet (bk 4)

What to Wear to the Whitney Gala???

I’m at the LDStorymaker’s Conference today and having a lot of fun spying on people incognito. But I have a troubling problem.

What do I wear to the Whitney Gala tomorrow night?

It’s so hard to know. You simply can’t be caught underdressed. That is unforgivable. But on the other hand, you really don’t want to show everyone else up. Then they’ll just hate you.

I have to make my final decision soon, and I’ve narrowed it down to three. Tell me what you think.

Option #1: Pink with Fur Stole

I like this one, but not the headpiece. Instead, I’d wear this hat:

A dear friend modeling my hat

The downside to this outfit is that fur might be a little too warm for the evening.



Option #2: Black Dot Dress

 I’m lukewarm on this dress, but I absolutely adore the shoe I’d wear with it:

Awesome shoe to wear with Black Dot dress



Option #3: Pink, Aqua, Blue Dress

This is my favorite of all the dresses. Of course, I’d wear a modest pink net shawl with it so my shoulders wouldn’t show.

Pink shoe for option #3

And this is the shoe that goes with it. I like it, but not as much as the shoe that goes with Option #2.

So what do you think? Vote in the comments.

Destined by Aprilynne Pike

Tamani looked at her gravely, and reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear.

He hesitated for an instant, then his hands found the sides of her face, pulling her to him. He didn’t kiss her, just held her face close to his, their foreheads resting together, their noses almost touching.

She hated how much it felt like good-bye.

Laurel now knows the truth: Yuki is a rare Winter faerie, the most powerful—and deadly—of all, and Klea plans to use her to help conquer and destroy Avalon. But Klea’s reach extends far beyond one wild Winter faerie. With Tamani, David, and Chelsea by her side, Laurel prepares to face what may be Avalon’s final days, in the stunning conclusion to the Wings series.

Read excerpt

Title: Destined

Author: Aprilynne Pike

Publisher: HarperTeen

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-0061668128

Size: 320 pages, hardcover

Genre: YA Fantasy

Wings Series: Wings (bk 1), Spells (bk 2), Illusions (bk 3)

LDSP at Last Year’s Whitney Awards

Following the LDStorymakers Conference, there will be the annual Whitney Awards presentation. This is a red-carpet event and everyone dresses up in their finest.

Here are a few photos of me from last year’s Whitney Awards Gala.

Annette Lyon, winner for Best General Fiction, and Me


Me with that slightly popular sci-fi/fantasy writer, Brandon Sanderson. He won for Best Speculative Fiction, and tied for Best Novel of the Year.


Me, Jeff Savage (awesome Middle Grade Fantasy writer), and Stephanie Black, winner for Best Mystery/Suspense


Julie Wright, winner for Best Romance, and Me


Me and Stephanie Black, winner for Best Mystery Suspense (we took another photo because Jeff was blocking my award...)


Marion Jenson, Robison Wells, Erin, and Me—having a group hug


The women from LDSWBR—Mindy Holt, Me, Sheila Staley, and Shandra Cottam


(All photos stolen with permission from Stephanie Black at


The Wishing Garden by Anita Stansfield

After a tragic car accident claims the life of her husband and one of her adopted twin daughters, Mary Jane Cranford-Bewkes reluctantly moves in with her ailing father. A bigoted and ill-tempered man, he had removed Mary from his will years before when she adopted two Latina girls, and he is cruel to the granddaughter now living in his home. Nonetheless he grants Mary permission to restore her deceased mother’s long-neglected garden to its previous state of beauty.

Mary hires a gardener named Whit Eden, a man with Hispanic heritage and a troubled past who is now a faithful practicing Mormon. Although Whit is much younger than Mary, she finds herself increasingly drawn to him as they work side by side in the overgrown garden, and a surprising yet beautiful future together seems within reach. But when her father is assaulted with a weapon bearing Whit’s fingerprints, prejudice rears its ugly head and threatens to tear the couple apart.

Read excerpt

Title: The Wishing Garden

Author: Anita Stansfield

Publisher: Covenant Communication

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1621081203

Size: 227 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Contemporary Romance

More Photos from Past Storymaker Conferences…

Since the Storymakers Conference isn’t all about me, here are more photos from the past few conferences that I gleaned from the Interwebs.

Stolen from

 A nice writerly-looking man, Jaclyn M. Hawkes, Jessica Day George


Stolen from

A Nice Woman, James Dashner, Another Nice Woman


Stolen from

 David J West, Tamara Hart Heiner, Melissa J Cunningham, Mary Gray


Stolen from

Deirdra Eden Coppel and J Scott Savage (the author formerly known as Jeff)


Contributed by Jennie Hansen @

 Susan Law Corpany Curtis, Janette Rallison, Sarah M Eden


Stolen from

 Gregg Luke, James Dashner, Traci Hunter Abramson, Abel Keogh


Stolen from

David J West showing off his sword handling skillz


P.S. If you recognize some of the people I don’t, please post their names in the comments. Thanks.

Who’s Going to Storymakers?

The LDStorymakers Conference is this weekend! I am so excited I can hardly stand myself. I have to say that as far as writing conferences go, this is one of the best. It’s well organized, has great presenters, and the atmosphere is positive and supportive. I have so much fun at these conferences. I love it!

Unfortunately, if you haven’t already registered, it’s too late. (Sorry.) But there are zillions of writers conferences going on this summer, so I’m sure if you’re determined you can find one.

But back to Storymakers. To get us in the mood, I’m dedicating the rest of this week to getting us excited. And what better way to ramp up the enthusiasm than to reminisce about past Storymakers conferences.

Here are a few snapshots from previous years of me with just a few of my favorite peeps.

These are some of the long-timers at Storymakers.
Rachel Nunes, Tristi Pinkston, BJ Rowley, Me,
Julie Wright, Jaime Theler, Crystal Liechty, and Jeff Savage

The Walnut Springs Gang
Front Row: Tristi Pinkston, Theresa Sneed, Betsy Love
Middle Row: Rhonda Hinrichsen, LC Lewis, Amy Orton
Back Row: Linda Mulleneaux, Me

Here is a bunch of us. I think it’s the Authors Incognito group.
I’m the one with the red arrow.

This is me with Howard Tayler. He’s hilarious.
If you get a chance, go to his class. He doesn’t always stay on point,
but he has lots of good information.

And here I am with Whitney Award Winning author, Dan Wells.
Also in the pic are Bron Bahlmann (when is that next book coming out, Bron?)
and James Dashner (umm, I think he might have written a book or two…)
and a future author, I suppose?

More photos to come!


*Photos provided by Tristi Pinkston and LDStorymakers.
**Special thanks to my lovely assistant for collecting and “polishing” them.
***Photos were chosen based on compatibility with me. 🙂

What I Didn’t Say by Keary Taylor

Getting drunk homecoming night your senior year is never a good idea, but Jake Hayes never expected it all to end with a car crash and a t-post embedded in his throat.

His biggest regret about it all? What he never said to Samantha Shay. He’s been in love with her for years and never had the guts to tell her. Now it’s too late. Because after that night, Jake will never be able to talk again.

When Jake returns to his small island home, population 5,000, he’ll have to learn how to deal with being mute. He also finds that his family isn’t limited to his six brothers and sisters, that sometimes an entire island is watching out for you. And when he gets the chance to spend more time with Samantha, she’ll help him learn that not being able to talk isn’t the worst thing that could ever happen to you. Maybe, if she’ll let him, Jake will finally tell her what he didn’t say before, even if he can’t actually say it.

Read excerpt   View trailer 

Title: What I Didn’t Say

Author: Keary Taylor

Publisher: CreateSpace/Self

Release Date: April 30, 2012

ISBN: 978-1475156454

Size: 326 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: Young Adult

May 2012 Prize Sponsors

Last month’s prize winners announced HERE.

There are new guidelines and entry requirements for winning one of these books. Please take a look at the updated Official Rules.

A big thank you to our Prize Sponsors! Please take a moment to learn more about this month’s wonderfully generous sponsors.


Daisy by Josi S. Kilpack

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. And no one knows that better than Daisy. Raising two kids as a divorced, single mom, Daisy has faced each and every one of the obstacles in her life with courage and determination.

Now with her oldest daughter ready to have a baby of her own, her youngest daughter ready to graduate from high school, and her new husband, Paul, ready to embrace the life of an empty-nester, Daisy feels like she might finally be able to check “motherhood” off her list of things to do.

Except life often has a mind of its own. When, at the age of forty-six, Daisy suddenly finds herself facing a very different future than the one she had planned—and an uncomfortable evaluation of the past she thought she understood—she realizes that there is still some growing up she needs to do.

Looking for a distraction to escape the growing tension at home, Daisy joins the Newport Ladies Book Club, where she meets Paige, Athena, and Olivia—unlikely friends who offer encouragement and support when Daisy’s perfectly crafted life is turned upside-down.

Josi S. Kilpack loves to read and write, is the author of sixteen novels, the baker of many a delicious confection, and the hobby farmer of a varying number of unfortunate chickens. In her spare time she likes to overwhelm herself a multitude of projects and then complain that she never has any spare time; in this way she is rather masochistic. She also enjoys traveling, cheering on her children, and sleeping in when the occasion presents itself.

Josi is best known for her Sadie Hoffmiller culinary mystery series.


Dead Running by Cami Checketts

Cassidy Christensen is running.

Running from the mercenaries who killed her parents. Running from a scheming redhead intent on making her life miserable. Running from painful memories that sabotage her dreams of happiness.

With two very tempting men competing for her attention, she hopes she’ll finally have someone to run to, but can she trust either of them?

When secrets from her past threaten her family, Cassidy decides to stop running and fight for her future.



Cami Checketts is a part-time author, part-time exercise consultant, part-time housekeeper, full-time wife, and overtime mother of four adorable boys. Sleep and relaxation are fond memories.

She’s never been happier.




Hearts of Courage by John Tippets

No greater saga of the Northland was ever recounted than the experiences of the survivors of the Gillam plane crash.

On January 5, 1943, famed Alaska bush pilot Harold Gillam left Seattle, WA, on a flight to Alaska.  The plane crashed in the Alaska wilderness about 30 miles from his intended refueling stop at Annette Island.  Gillam and his five passengers all survived the crash.  Four of the six persons survived 29 days in the wilderness before being rescued.

Hearts of Courage was written by the son of one of those passengers, Joe Tippets. This is a survival story that is truly amazing.

John M. Tippets is a graduate of UCLA (where he also received an MBA).  He served a 42+ year career with American Airlines entities including the last 17 years as the President/CEO of American Airlines Credit Union prior to his 2008 retirement.  John is presently living and working in southern California.

John’s father is Joseph Tippets who,in the ‘60s, was the FAA’s highly respected Western Region Director.  John is the author of “Hearts of Courage” and shares his father’s story with interested aviation and other groups.


My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend by Elodia Strain

Unlucky-in-love Jesse finds herself thrown back into the dating game when she meets Ethan—a cute, struggling writer who seems perfect for her. Things get complicated fast, though, when only moments later she meets Troy—a confident, successful advertising exec who seems…just plain perfect. But everyone is keeping a secret, and Jesse soon learns that things aren’t always what they seem.

My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend is a classic love story turned upside down, a romantic comedy that blends warm sincerity with fresh storytelling…and some big surprises.

Elodia Strain: I was born in Alaska and grew up in California. I guess that explains why my ideal day would start with playing in the snow and end with playing in the water. I love jogging on the treadmill, dancing in the living room, and playing Scrabble pretty much anywhere.

What I love most about being a writer: The people who read my books!



Protected by Cindy M. Hogan

She has the guy.

The terrorists have been taken care of.

She has a shot at becoming popular.

Life is great!

Until they find her.

Now she must run and leave behind everything she knows, including herself.

Protected is the sequel to Watched: Murder was Just the Beginning.

 Cindy M. Hogan graduated with a secondary education teaching degree and enjoys spending time with unpredictable teenagers. More than anything she loves the time she has with her own teenage daughters and wishes she could freeze them at this fun age. If she’s not reading or writing, you’ll find her snuggled up with the love of her life watching a great movie or planning their next party. She loves to bake, garden and be outdoors doing a myriad of activities.


Tanned, Toned and Totally Faking It by Whitney Boyd

Mikayla: Cute Canadian college girl turned world-famous, super- sexy pop-star practically overnight. And still figuring out if she belongs in this celebrity wonderland.

Jordan: The only genuine guy in all of L.A. Law student, and extremely attractive. Also happens to hate the Hollywood celebrity scene.

Matt: Stupid, lying, money-loving ex-boyfriend trying to get back into Mikayla’s life and ruin every hope she has with Jordan.

Kurt: Personal trainer, confidant and only true friend Mikayla has in her new life. Questionable fashion sense included.

Cheryl: Completely psychotic manager.

The next three months? Happily ever after with Jordan. Or social and career ruin with no hope of ever finding true love…

Whitney Boyd: I was born and raised in Alberta, Canada. After graduating high school I lived in various parts of the United States, including Florida, Utah and Idaho. I got married in 2009 to the love of my life and graduated from the University of Calgary in 2010 with my Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Spanish. (Hola!)

These days I enjoy writing, running for both fun and in competitions, and cooking. That’s me!

Tanned, Toned, and Totally Faking It is my first commercial fiction novel. For more information feel free to email me at


To enter to win one of these books, CLICK HERE . One entry per person per month. NO
PURCHASE NECESSARY. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Limited to
U.S. residents. Deadline to enter: April 30, 2012, midnight, Mountain
Time. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. CLICK HERE to read the Official Rules.

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April 2012 Prize Winners

Here are the randomly selected winners of last month’s  “Win These Books!” Contest.

Thanks again to our sponsors. Please take a moment to read their info here.


Defenders of the Covenant

Angie Lofthouse

Winner: Robyn Echols




Luisa M. Perkins

Winner: Amy Rose


In the Mirror


Ann Carbine Best

Winner: Nellie McLaughlin


No Angel


Theresa Sneed

Winner: Kate Palmer




Melanie Jacobson

Winner: Kaihli Vang


Congratulations! I will contact each of you via the email address you used to enter for the contest. You will need to send me your mailing address by Friday, May 12, 2012.

Click here to learn how you can win a copy of one of our sponsoring books.

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