
Hi—and welcome to the new LDS Publisher website!

My lovely assistant has combined the LDS Publisher and LDS Fiction blogs into one big site, and given us a template that is ultra-SEO friendly. As a reader, that means you’ll only have to come to one place. Yay!

If you’re an author or publisher whose new releases are featured, or a guest blogger, you’ll get even more attention from the Google. Double-yay!

Most of the new site is functional so take a few minutes to scroll around, click some buttons, kick the tires…

There are still a few things that aren’t quite polished up—when you import 2,412 posts, some things are bound to get messed up. Some of the known glitches are:

    • Internal post links: The 2012 posts are cleaned up, but a lot of the older ones will take you back to the old sites. I’ll leave those sites up until everything is cleaned up and smoothed out here.


    • Category Labels: Not all of them ported over. Just be aware that much of the menu is linked using category labels so if you click on, say, “Writing Basics” under the LDS Publisher menu tab, not all of the posts will come up. It will take some time to get them all working correctly. However, the search feature (sidebar) on this site is sooo much better than the one I had on Blogger. Type any search term in and you’ll get good results.


    • Tags: Blogger didn’t use tags so these will be new. See the Tag Cloud in the sidebar? I’ll use tags as sub-categories, like query or agent or critique. Again, it will take a little time to get it all sorted out.


    • Design: Okay. Well, see the pictures at the top of the sidebar? Those will be replaced eventually. And see how the 2012 fiction posts have a little thumbnail image, but the past years don’t? Yep. Working on that too. But we’re going for functionality first.


Anyway, I’m so excited about this site that I wanted to go ahead and unveil it NOW. All new posts will be showing up here from now on.

So, once again, welcome—and let me know what you think.

That Kind of Love by J Adams

Strong and fiercely independent, Evangeline Patton has never experienced love in any shape or form—not from her parents, or a man. She has overcome some major obstacles in her life, but at twenty-five she is still alone.

All of that changes when Adagio St. John the third walks off a plane from Italy and into her life.

Evangeline and Adagio are both looking for love, but can she trust her heart to someone she will never see?

And can he look past her blindness and see into her heart?


Read excerpt

Title: That Kind of Love

Author: J Adams

Publisher: Jewel of the West

Release Date: February 29, 2012

ISBN: 978-0615609690

Size: 82 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: Romance

*This book may be too short to be eligible for a Whitney Award ??

Night Sky by Jolene Perry

Girl I’ve loved, girl I’m falling for. Now that they’re both in view, the problem is clear.

After losing Sarah, the friend he’s loved, to some other guy, Jameson meets Sky. Her Native American roots, fluid movements, and need for brutal honesty become addictive fast. This is good. Jameson needs distraction – his dad leaves for another woman, his mom’s walking around like a zombie, and Sarah’s new boyfriend can’t keep his hands off of her.

As he spends time with Sky and learns about her village, her totems, and her friends with drums – she’s way more than distraction. Jameson’s falling for her fast.

But Sky’s need for honesty somehow doesn’t extend to her life story – and Jameson just may need more than his new girl to keep him distracted from the disaster of his senior year.

Read excerpt     Book Site

Title: Night Sky

Author: Jolene Perry

Publisher: Tribute Books

Release Date: March 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-0983741862

Size: 247 pages, eBook

Genre: Young Adult Contemporary

Vodnik by Bryce Moore

Teacups: great for tea. Really sucky as places-to-live-out-the-rest-of-your-eternal-existence. Very little elbow room, and the internet connection is notoriously slow. Plus, they’re a real pain in the butt to get out of, especially when you’ve gone non-corporeal.

When Tomas was six, someone–something–tried to drown him. And burn him to a crisp. Tomas survived, but whatever was trying to kill him freaked out his parents enough to convince them to move from Slovakia to the United States.

Now sixteen-year-old Tomas and his family are back in Slovakia, and that something still lurks somewhere. Nearby. Ready to drown him again and imprison his soul in a teacup.

Then there’s the fire víla, the water ghost, the pitchfork-happy city folk, and Death herself who are all after him.

All this sounds a bit comical, unless the one haunted by water ghosts and fire vílas or doing time in a cramped, internet-deprived teacup is you.

If Tomas wants to survive, he’ll have to embrace the meaning behind the Slovak proverb, So smrťou ešte nik zmluvu neurobil. With Death, nobody makes a pact.

Read excerpt

Title: Vodnik

Author: Bryce Moore

Publisher: Tu Books

Release Date: March 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1600608520

Size: 368 pages, 6×9, hardcover

Genre: YA Fantasy

March 2012 Prize Sponsors

Last month’s prize winners announced HERE.

There are new guidelines and entry requirements for winning one of these books. Please take a look at the updated Official Rules.

A big thank you to our Prize Sponsors! Please take a moment to learn more about this month’s wonderfully generous sponsors.

Arizona Guy by Raymond Spitzer


He didn’t know he was an Arizona guy until someone called him a California guy.

Ted White, a high school band director comes to Ajo to house sit for his aunt and uncle, and to get far away from a broken engagement. But the relatives are missing.

In the process of unraveling the mystery of their disappearance, this small desert town comes to mean more to Ted than he ever could have imagined.


Raymond Spitzer was born in California and resided in Japan and Montana before his parents saw the light and brought him to Arizona. He grew up in Nogales from the age of three and completed high school and college in Tucson. He taught school in Ajo and Gila Bend for sixteen years before becoming a public safety telecommunicator with Pima County Sheriff’s Department in Ajo.

Arizona Guy is his first published book, but Spitzer is hard at work on the next book in the series.




The Frozen Trail by Lisa Dayley

Based on a true story THE FROZEN TRAIL details Emma Girdlestone’s 1856 trek across the United States with the ill-fated Willie Handcart Company. It tells of a remarkable young woman of faith, who endured a journey wrought with peril to join her fellow Latter-day Saints in the Salt Lake Valley of the Utah desert.

The Mormon pioneers moved across the Great Plains in wagon trains and pulling handcarts to seek a new home safe from persecution. THE FROZEN TRAIL is the story of one woman, eighteen-year-old Emma Girdlestone who, along with her fellow travelers, faced starvation, frostbite, and death on the trail to Zion.

This work of historical fiction is dedicated to the members of the Willie Handcart Company. These courageous pioneers showed heroism and devotion in the face of unbelievably harsh and brutal conditions. It is especially dedicated to Willie Handcart member Emma Girdlestone who left behind a legacy of bravery, fortitude, and faith; and who, 155 years later, managed to change the life of her great-great-granddaughter Lisa Dayley, the author of this book.


Lisa Dayley graduated from the Metropolitan State College of Denver with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications and Creative Writing. An award-winning writer and photographer, she has written for both newspapers and magazines. Dayley lives in Burley, Idaho with her husband Darrell. They have three children and one grandson. You can read more about her in an interview with Karen Jones Gowen.




The Heirs of Southbridge by Jennie Hansen

When tragedy strikes Southbridge plantation, young Clayton and his brother, Travis, are forced from the only home they’ve ever known. Fleeing the drunken rage of their grandfather, with bounty hunters and horse thieves thick on their trail, the boys and their father try to eke out a lonely life as fugitives and cowboys.

As Clayton nears adulthood, his greatest desire is for a strong and stable family, but his father’s death and his brother’s departure leave him more alone than ever. Seeking for roots, Clayton visits Southbridge en route to college and kneels on his mother’s grave, only to be accosted by a gun-wielding girl named Lucy, whose father will stop at nothing to make the plantation his own.

Can Clayton realize his deepest desires of marrying the woman he loves, having a family, and reclaiming the plantation that is his rightful heritage?


Jennie Hansen was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho. She lived in many farming and ranching communities in Idaho and Montana. Her family moved more than 20 times as she grew up. Born the fifth of eight children, Jennie had a ready
supply of playmates during her childhood. Her brothers and sisters are still among her closest friends. She married Boyd Hansen of Rexburg, Idaho, and over the next ten years they became the parents of five
children. They have made their home in Utah since their marriage.

Jennie graduated from Ricks College in Idaho then continued her education at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah. She has been a receptionist, a model, a Utah House page, freelance magazine writer, newspaper reporter, editor, library circulation specialist, mother and grandmother. She has over twenty published books to her credit. Jennie also writes a monthly review column for Meridian Magazine.




Identity by Betsy Love

While vacationing in Mexico, two similar-looking young women find themselves caught in a chain reaction of mistaken identities.Amelia is a wealthy heiress and business owner, and Savannah is a sweet Mormon girl deciding whether or not to serve a mission.

When they end up on the same flight to Phoenix, Savannah and Amelia unravel the sequence of events that wreaked havoc on their trips, and they make plans to resolve the subsequent misunderstandings. But their flight is cut short when the plane crashes, killing one of the young women and plunging the other
into a world of intrigue and deceit where identity means everything.


Betsy Love: Writing has been a passion since I was a little girl. I first discovered the art of pen to paper watching my mother make out her grocery list. It did not take long for me to discover that those indecipherable squiggles meant words, and words have power. What joy I experienced as a first grader learning to write my name. Now the stories dancing in my head would find a home on paper. I hope you will follow me in my journey to share what I have written.




The Keeper’s Calling by Kelly Nelson

They come from two different worlds. One fateful discovery will bring them together. Neither of their lives will ever be the same.

Chase Harper’s to-do list for senior year never included fall in love and fight for your life, but things rarely go as planned. Tarnished gold and resembling a pocket watch, the counter he finds in a cave during the summer of 2011 will forever change the course of his life, leading him to the beautiful Ellie Williams and unlocking a power beyond his wildest imagination.

In 1863, Ellie Williams completes school in Boston and returns to the Utah Territory only to discover that her grandfather and his counter, a treasured family heirloom, are missing. When Ellie is abducted and told she must produce the counter or die, an unexpected rescuer comes to her aid.


Kelly Nelson was raised in Orem, Utah, and now resides in Cornelius, Oregon, in the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She enjoys life on a ten-acre horse property with her husband, four children, and, of course, lots of horses. Kelly has a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University. She worked as a certified public accountant for several years before opting to stay home and raise a family. As a young girl, she was an avid reader and had a passion for creative writing. Her travels to England, France, Egypt, Israel, West Indies, Mexico, and across the United States sparked a love of history, adventure, and exotic places. This led to the inspiration behind her debut novel, The Keeper’s Calling, the first book in The Keeper’s Saga.


Northanger Alibi by  Jenni James

Sometimes a guy is even better than you imagined…

The Russo family and Seattle, Washington, are no match for Claire Hart and her savvy knowledge of all things vampire-related. Thanks to her obsession with the Twilight series, if there is anyone who would know a vampire when she saw one, it’s Claire. And she’s positive totally hot Tony Russo is a vampire – she just has to prove it!

In this modern retelling of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey, follow Claire’s hilarious journey on her first summer adventure away from home, where she learns everything isn’t what is seems, and that in some instances, reality is way better than anything she’d ever find in a book.


Jenni James: I’m married to a totally hot, redheaded Air Force Recruiter, named Mark. Together we have 10 kiddos (7 ours, 3 fostered). We have just moved back to the States after living 9 awesome years in the Azores Islands of Portugal and England! Our kids love the USA!

When I’m not writing up a storm, I enjoy reading, acting, portrait painting, directing plays, cooking, planning eleborate parties and chasing my kids around the house. Oh, and before you ask–I haven’t been to college, YET! But I’ve always been able to write one mean essay when I needed to. *wink*

Learn more about Jenni and her upcoming books at her website.




Someone Else’s Fairytale by E.M. Tippetts

Jason Vanderholt is the hottest actor under thirty with legions of screaming fans. 

Chloe Winters is a college student who hasn’t gotten around to watching most of his movies and doesn’t follow Hollywood gossip. 

When they meet by chance, he is smitten and she becomes the woman every other woman in America is dying to be, but it just isn’t her fairytale.


E.M. Tippetts: I write chick lit as E.M. Tippetts and science fiction as Emily Mah. I got my start in writing at the Clarion West Writer’s Workshop for Science Fiction and Fantasy.

I am originally from New Mexico,  have a bachelors in philosophy, politics, and economics from Oxford University, and a juris doctorate in business law from UCLA. I also design jewelry (and no, that doesn’t fit in with any of the other stuff I’ve listed here.) Currently, I live in London while my husband does his PhD.




Targets In Ties  by Tristi Pinkston

Secret Sisters Mystery #4!

After two long years, Ren’s mission is finally over, and it’s time for Ida Mae, Arlette, and Tansy to travel to Mexico to pick him up. They have their itinerary all planned out visiting the ruins in the Yucatan, shopping, playing in the sand and surf and then they’ll head to Ren’s mission home and be reunited with that dear boy.

But a wanted antiquities thief crosses their path, and soon the ladies find themselves tangled up in a web of lies, intrigue, and costly jewelry. Held hostage by men desperate for riches, they do what only they can do keep their heads about them, plan their escape, and discuss the proper making of tortillas.

Will they survive their most harrowing adventure yet?


With her crisp writing style and attention to detail, Tristi Pinkston pulls her readers into the pages of history and helps them feel the emotions that fueled the events of that time. She has been hailed as one of the most talented historical fiction writers currently on the market.

Jeff Needle’s review for AML, said, “This kind of writing can only come about when the author has thoroughly researched her subject and worked very hard to put herself in the place of her protagonist.”

Targets in Ties is Tristi’s ninth book.



To enter to win one of these books,
use the form in the sidebar. One entry per person per month. NO
PURCHASE NECESSARY. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Limited to
U.S. residents. Deadline to enter: March 31, 2012, midnight, Mountain
Time. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. CLICK HERE to read the Official Rules.

CLICK HERE for details on sponsoring the contest.

February 2012 Prize Winners

Here are the randomly selected winners of last month’s “Win These Books!” Contest.

Thanks again to our sponsors. Please take a moment to read their info here.

Cold River


Liz Adair

Winner: Jennifer Reed


Dangerous Favor


Joyce Di Pastina

Winner:Alison Spelman


No Escape


Anna Jones Buttimore

Winner: Tamera Westhoff


Roxanne in La La Land


L.A. Devaul

Winner: Lucy Pinto


Secrets After Dark


Marie Higgins

Winner: Pam Darby


Super Cowboy Rides


Daris Howard

Winner: Courtney Havenwood


Congratulations! I will contact each of you via the email address you used to enter for the contest. You will need to send me your mailing address by Friday, March 9, 2012.

Click here to learn how you can win a copy of one of our sponsoring books.

Click here for details on sponsoring the LDS Publisher blogs.

To Monkey with Love by Rebecca Shelley

In book 7 of the Smartboys Club, Monkey and Bean face off at the science fair. One of their projects will win, the other won’t. It’s a battle of wits between two of the smartest boys in school. And to top it off, Monkey gets a mysterious Valentine and has to hunt down its sender.

Read excerpt

Title: To Monkey with Love. Yuck! (Smartboys Club #7)

Author: Rebecca Shelley

Illustrator: Abby Goldsmith

Publisher: Wonder Realms

Release Date: February 27, 2012

ISBN: 978-1470151959

Size: 106 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Childrens (Grades 4–6)

Series: Bees In My Butt (bk 1), We Flushed It Down the Potty (bk 2), I Took a Burp (bk3), I Lost My Head (bk4), My Stomach Explodes (bk 5), All I Got for Christmas (bk 6)

Espionage by A.L. Sowards

France, 1944: Nobody expects Peter Eddy to survive his first commando mission, to retrieve a code book stolen by the Nazis, so his success is rewarded with an even more daunting assignment. Partnered with fellow soldier Jacques Olivier, Eddy must identify which of the three Allied contacts in Calais is a double agent and use the traitor to help implement a strategic Allied diversion that might win the war.

Eddy and Olivier secretly cross the English Channel to confront their suspects one at a time, but what appears to be a clean assignment soon turns disastrous, and a shocking betrayal leaves Eddy in the grip of the Gestapo. With the courageous aid of Olivier and his sister, Genevieve, Eddy evades his captors in a highspeed chase through the streets of Calais.

But as the Allied invasion approaches, treachery in the least likely places leads to fresh graves in the bloodied European soil, and only the power of loyalty and love can transform tragic endings into new beginnings.

Read excerpt

Title: Espionage

Author: A.L. Sowards

Publisher: Covenant Communications

Release Date: February 29, 2012

ISBN: 978-1608611485

Size: 256 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Historical

Musty Writing by Michaelbrent Collings

When considering self-publishing on Kindle, there are four things you must do (“Must”y writing – get it?  Ha!).  They are like the mustard on my hot dog: a non-negotiable element.  Without it, you may as well not even try.  ‘Cause I won’t bite.

Now, before I dive into what those elements are, I should probably tell you how I know about them.  So y’all know I’ve got street cred.  And mad skillz (part of having street cred is always spelling “skillz” with a z).

I’ve been writing for most of my life.  I sold my first paying work when I was fifteen.  Going to college, I won a bunch of creative writing scholarships and awards.  Then I became a lawyer, where my job involved mostly (wait for it!) writing.

Oh, yeah, and somewhere along the way I became a produced screenwriter, member of the Writers Guild of America (which is statistically harder to do than it is to become a professional baseball player), and a published novelist.  Throughout all this, I had a book that I really liked, called RUN.  And though I had done all the above, no book publisher would touch RUN with a ten foot cattle prod.  Largely, I suspect, because it was very hard
to figure out how to market it: it was a sci-fi/suspense/horror/thriller/apocalyptic novel with romantic elements.  There is no shelf for that at Barnes & Noble.

But I believed in the book, dangit!  So I researched around, and discovered self-publishing through Amazon’s Kindle service.  I decided I didn’t have much to lose, since RUN was just sitting on a shelf anyway, so decided to try my hand at self-publishing an e-book on Kindle.

Within a few months, RUN became a bestseller, topping Amazon’s sci-fi chart, and eventually becoming the #61 item available for Kindle, out of over ten million books, games, puzzles, and blogs.  I also published a young adult fantasy called Billy: Messenger of Powers which has hovered on various genre bestseller lists on Amazon for the better part of a year now.  And followed those up with another e-book, and another, and another.  Some of the others became bestsellers, some didn’t.  But all have made money, and all have increased my fan base.

Now I don’t say this to brag, but I want you to understand I know a bit whereof I speak.  Through the process, I have learned the ins and outs of Kindle publishing (and e-publishing in general), learning as much from what didn’t work as from what did.  And that’s why I’ve come up with these four important things to do:

1)  Make a kickin’ cover

This is one place where approximately 99% of self-published authors get it wrong.  Look at most self-published books, and they look less professional.  And like it or not, a lot of people go strictly off the cover.  You have about ten seconds to wow them with your cool cover before they click the button and move on to another book.  For the Kindle edition of Billy: Messenger of Powers, I spent days upon days designing the cover.  Everything from the cover image, to the typeface, to the composition of the elements.  It was critical.  And it paid off.  Same for RUN, and another of my books, Rising Fears,
all of which have been praised for the fact that the covers are interesting enough to “hook” readers.  Some of my other covers aren’t as effective, or as professional looking, unfortunately.  And guess what? They also don’t sell as well.

2)  Market yourself

Here’s a fact of life in general: people generally don’t give you things for free.  You have to earn them.  And that includes getting people to read your work.  When I wrote Billy, I spent over a month designing a website (www.whoisbillyjones.com) that was interesting, conveyed a message about the book, and had a look and feel that I felt would intrigue people and make them want to find out more.  Same with the website for RUN (www.seehowtheyrun.net).  And my own website, michaelbrentcollings.com, took even longer.  But that was only the start.  I also had a Facebook “fan” page, a Twitter feed, and did the rounds of book and genre conventions.  Not to mention doing interviews, podcasts, guest blogs, and generally talking to anyone and everyone who would listen.  You have to do more than write a book.  You have to create an event.

3)  Have a grabby description

”What do you do when everyone you know – family, friends, everyone – is trying to kill you?  You RUN.”

That is the description on amazon.com for my book RUN.  Two sentences that I spent an extremely long time writing.  Like the cover of your book, the production description is something that has to grab people, reel them in, and not let them go.  Some self-published authors think the best way to get someone to read their work is to describe every jot and tittle.  But in reality, the secret isn’t information, it’s captivation. You have to intrigue your (prospective) readers.  You have to leave them with serious questions that they want answered.  Describing what your book is about is less important than creating a specific feeling in the mind and heart of your audience: the feeling that they will be better off reading your book than not.

4)  Write something worth reading

This may seem obvious, but the fact of the matter is you have to have something pretty darn special.  I’m not saying this to depress anyone: I firmly believe that most people have great stories in them, and have the potential to learn how to tell them.  But make no mistake, it is something that takes practice, dedication, and perspiration. Writing is a skill.  It is a discipline.  Anyone can knock out a sentence or two.  But getting those sentences to grab a complete stranger to the point that he or she is willing to fork over hard-earned cash to read them is another matter.  Let alone getting them to like
the sentences enough that they want to tell their friends to spend their hard-earned cash on them.  Again, I really do believe that most people have it in them to do this.  But I also believe just as stridently that to get to that point takes practice, practice, and more practice.  I have spent thousands of hours learning how to write … and I continue to
learn.  Any author who wants to charm people into buying his or her work has to be willing to put in the effort to make it happen.  Because without the skill to back up your work, no matter how good your basic ideas are, they probably won’t sell.  There are exceptions (that’s right, Twilight), but for the most part a book has to be extraordinarily well-written in order to get people to buy it.

That’s not to say that everyone will like your book.  Some people don’t like RUN, or Billy: Messenger of Powers.  Or Harry Potter or anything by Stephen King or even the bestselling book of all time (the Bible).  But if you don’t care enough to develop your writing skills in service of your storytelling, you can bet that few (if any) will like it at all.

And so…

… there you have it, folks.  Again, I think most people have interesting stories to tell.  But without doing the four things above, the great story will probably sit quietly in a dark corner of your closet.  And that, my friends, is no fun at all.

Michaelbrent Collings is a bestselling novelist whose books RUN and Billy: Messenger of Powers have been amazon.com bestsellers. He is also a produced screenwriter and member of both the Writers Guild of America and the Horror Writers of America. His blog is at http://michaelbrentcollings.com/blog2.html, and you can follow him on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Michaelbrent-Collings/283851837365 or on twitter @mbcollings.

The Stones by A.D. Duling

Anna Kippling has collected the final fourth Token and now must quickly learn how to use them all. With the Red stone and the book “Dominion” now in his possession; the Chancellor only needs the “Sister” Blue stone to raise the undefeatable Serpentine Army.

Time is ticking and preperations are being made. More allies are joining their forces…but Anna and her friends must get to the Stones and destroy them or find themselves headed towards a horrific battle.

Read excerpt

Title: The Stones (Anna Kippling Book 3)

Author: A.D. Duling

Publisher: Self

Release Date: February 26, 2012


Size: 169 pages, ebook

Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

Anna Kippling Series: The Key (bk 1), The Tokens (bk 2)

Partials by Dan Wells

The human race is all but extinct after a war with Partials—engineered organic beings identical to humans—has decimated the population. Reduced to only tens of thousands by RM, a weaponized virus to which only a fraction of humanity is immune, the survivors in North America have huddled together on Long Island while the Partials have mysteriously retreated. The threat of the Partials is still imminent, but, worse, no baby has been born immune to RM in more than a decade. Our time is running out.

Kira, a sixteen-year-old medic-in-training, is on the front lines of this battle, seeing RM ravage the community while mandatory pregnancy laws have pushed what’s left of humanity to the brink of civil war, and she’s not content to stand by and watch. But as she makes a desperate decision to save the last of her race, she will find that the survival of humans and Partials alike rests in her attempts to uncover the connections between them—connections that humanity has forgotten, or perhaps never even knew were there.

Read excerpt     View trailer


Title: Partials

Author: Dan Wells

Publisher: Balzer + Bray

Release Date: February 28, 2012

ISBN: 978-0062071040

Size: 480 pages, hardcover

Genre: Young Adult Dystopian

Available for purchase from:
Print: | Amazon | B&N | Deseret Book | IndieBound |
eBook: | iBook | Kindle | Nook | Sony |

You Have Nothing to Fear But That Big Hairy Spider Crawling Up the Back of Your Neck by Tristi Pinkston

The Top Ten Fears of Unpublished Writers:

10. What if my book doesn’t sell?

9. What if the stores won’t stock my book on their shelves?

8. What if no one will publish me?

7. What if no one likes what I’ve written?

6. What if I can’t get this ending/plot/scene right?

5. What if I used lay when it should have been lie?

4. What if the computer crashes and erases all my work?

3. What if I can’t write more than 40,000 words?

2. What if this is the stupidest story ever known to man?

1. What if I’m not really a writer?

I’d wager these fears sound familiar, if you’re an aspiring author. You might have put them in different order, and perhaps have thrown in some things like “finding time to write,” etc, but by and large, I think every new writer has these fears.

Now, let’s look at the other side of the coin.

The Top Ten Fears of Published Writers:

10. What if my book doesn’t sell?

9. What if the stores won’t stock my book on their shelves?

8. What if no one will publish me?

7. What if no one likes what I’ve written?

6. What if I can’t get this ending/plot/scene right?

5. What if I used lay when it should have been lie?

4. What if the computer crashes and erases all my work?

3. What if I can’t write more than 40,000 words?

2. What if this is the stupidest story ever known to man?

1. What if I’m not really a writer?

Notice anything? Yep—the published author has pretty much the same fears as the unpublished author. If you’re published, you may feel a little more confident over the whole lay/lie thing (I don’t) and you may feel that you’ve got a better handle on your scene structures, but deep down, we’re all the same. We all want people to like us, we all worry that our readers won’t like this new book as much as they did the last, and we wonder if our publisher will or will not accept our latest submission. A published author feels nervous while waiting for that acceptance/rejection letter, and it makes our day when we hear that someone liked our book.

I’m not telling you this to depress you — I’m telling you this so I can lead up to one simple, fundamental truth: getting published is not like waving a magic wand that will make all your problems go away and all your dreams come true. It will not make you more attractive, it will not make you an instant public speaker, and it will not ensure popularity. It will not boost your confidence. It will not make you a fabulous promoter.

You must work on all these things yourself.

You make yourself a better speaker. You make yourself good at promotion. You build your own confidence. And there is no reason on this great green earth why you should wait until you’re published to start working on these attributes.

Tristi Pinkston is the author of nine published books, including the Secret Sisters mystery series. In addition to being a prolific author, Tristi also provides a variety of author services, including editing and online writing instruction. You can visit her at www.tristipinkston.blogspot.com or her website at www.tristipinkston.com.

Hindsight by Sherry D. Ficklin

Grace Archer has come into her full powers as an immortal and has taken up the mantle offered by her father, Prometheus.

Leaving behind everything and everyone she loves, Grace becomes a pawn in a dangerous game that threatens to undo an ancient truce between Gods of Olympus and the Fae.

Can Grace find a way to prevent war or will she become the Harbinger predicted by the Gods of Fate?

Read excerpt

Title: Hindsight (vol. 3)

Author: Sherry D. Ficklin

Publisher: Dragonfly Publishing

Release Date: February 6, 2012

ISBN: 978-1936381388

Size: 162 pages, 5.5×8.5, softcover

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

The Gods of Fate Series: Foresight (vol 1), Second Sight (vol 2)

Upcoming Events

It’s the last Friday of the month, so it’s time for the monthly post of upcoming events.

Do you know of a writing conference in your area or an open call for submissions that would would be of interest to LDS writers? If so, please email the information and link(s) to me to be included in next month’s post.

Writing Conferences

Teen Author Book Camp,  March 10, 2012
Utah Valley University, Orem, UT. Teens only.
More info at: http://teenauthorbootcamp.com/

Writing for Charity, March 17, 2012
Provo City Library, Provo, UT
More info at: http://writingforcharity.blogspot.com/

“Write Here in Ephraim,” April 14, 2012
Greenwood Student Center
Snow College, Ephraim, UT
More info at: www.shirleybahlmann.com

LDStorymakers, May 4-5, 2012
Provo Marriott Hotel, Provo, UT.
More info at: http://ldstorymakers.com

Writers@Work Conference, June 6-10, 2012
Alta Lodge, Alta, UT.
More info at: www.writersatwork.org

Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers, June 18–22, 2012
Sandy, UT
More info at: http://www.wifyr.com/

Call for Submissions/Writing Competitions

Eugene England Memorial Personal Essay Contest
Essays that relate to the Latter-day Saint experience.
Deadline: February 29, 2012
More info at: SunstoneMagazine.com
(click on red box on calendar)

Writers@Work Writing Competition
For emerging writers in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
Deadline: March 15, 2012
More info at: http://www.writersatwork.org/

Ender’s Game and Philosophy
Essays to be part of The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series
Abstract Deadline: March 19, 2012
More info at: And Philosophy

Christmas Anthology (Michael Young)
Short stories based on Christmas songs
Deadline: March 31, 2012
More info at: http://www.writermike.com/

Steampunk Short Story Anthology
Looking for short stories in steampunk genre.
Submission period: April 1, 2012 through ?
More info at: Bloggin’ Outloud

Wilderness Interface Zone
Looking for a guest bloggers and a variety of nature writing by LDS authors (and others).
More info at: wilderness.motleyvision.org


Brenda Novak’s Annual Auction for the Cure of Diabetes
Donations wanted.
Deadline: February 15, 2012
More info at: brendanovak.auctionanything.com

Tell Me Who I Am: Stories of Faith, Family, and Identity by DeNae Handy, et al

Tell Me Who I Am is a collection of stories and essays depicting everyday life for sixteen LDS writers. Told with humor and sensitivity, these stories offer a glimpse into a religious culture that is alternately criticized, admired, and misunderstood. While dogma may define a people, it’s individual stories that ultimately tell us who we are.

Contributing writers: Becca Wilhite; Stephanie Sorensen; Luisa Perkins; Jana Winters Parkin; Annette Lyon; Patrick Livingston; Melanie Jacobson; DeNae Handy; Debbie Frampton; Ken Craig; Christopher Clark; Karen Burton; Gideon Burton; Michelle Budge; Joshua Bingham; Cari Banning.

Cover art, illustrations, and design by award-winning artist Jana Winters Parkin.

Title: Tell Me Who I Am: Stories of Faith, Family, and Identity

Compiled by: DeNae Handy

Publisher: Stansbury House Publications

Release Date: February 23, 2012

ISBN: 978-0615605722

Size: 224 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Anthology

Highland Sorceror by Clover Autrey

Charity Greves has the gift of healing. So when a naked bleeding Highlander materializes out of the air into her kitchen, she does what any rational free-thinking herbalist under the same circumstances would do—she heals him.

She didn’t expect to be drawn back to the 13th Century where a dangerous whacked-out witch holds the handsome Highlander captive. Nor is she prepared to be drawn so strongly to him that she’ll do whatever it takes to save him.

Imprisoned by the witch, Toren Limont the High Sorcerer and Protector of the Faes’ magic, uses the last of his magical reserves to go forward in time and find a healer the witch doesn’t have any influence over. He merely seeks the small respite a healing can give him in order to continue to withstand the witch’s tortures long enough for his clan and siblings to flee. Until Charity falls with him through time as either his salvation or his entire clan’s downfall.

Title: Highland Sorceror

Author: Clover Autrey

Publisher: CreateSpace

Release Date: February 17, 2012

ISBN: 978-1470088200

Size: 182 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Final Call by Rachel Ann Nunes

Sometimes what you can’t see means everything.

Autumn Rain is accustomed to using her ability to read imprints to solve seemingly unsolvable cases. Yet when she goes searching for the sister of a friend, she is embroiled in the make-believe world of live theater, where it’s difficult to tell reality from playacting and where everyone appears to have something to hide.Autumn must team up again with Detective Shannon Martin to learn the truth about and eight-year-old mystery that involves a new murder and more missing actors. Working so closely with the compelling detective further complicates their uncertain relationship and tests her loyalty to her once-boyfriend Jake Ryan.When her sister, Tawnia, becomes involved in the case, Autumn finds herself in a deadly struggle to save them both from facing their own final call.

Read excerpt

Title: Final Call (Book 4 in the Autumn Rain Series)

Author:  Rachel Ann Nunes

Publisher: Shadow Mountain

Release Date: February 21, 2012

ISBN: 978-1609088996

Size: 262 pages, 6×9, paperback

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Autumn Rain Series:

  1. The Eyes of a Stranger
  2. Imprints
  3.  Shades of Gray

Kicking Ashe by Pauline Baird Jones

With hearts and lives on the line, a kiss may be all they have time for…

Time has dumped Ashe on a dying planet and she needs to figure out why before she ceases to exist.

Or gets vivisected by some Keltinarian scientists.

Or worse.

Vidor Shan might help—since someone somewhere is trying to hose him, too—if she can convince him to trust her. Probably shouldn’t have told him that only someone he trusts can betray him. Also wouldn’t mind if he kissed her on the mouth.

Vid would love to kiss the girl, but his brother is lost, he’s got hostile aliens on his tail, and the stench of betrayal all around him. Can he trust the woman who told him to trust no one?

Then a time quake hurls them to a nasty somewhere and some when…

Read excerpt

Title: Kicking Ashe (Project Universe bk 6)

Author: Pauline Baird Jones

Publisher: L & L Dreamspell

Release Date: February 20, 2012

ISBN: 978-1603184489

Size: 214 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: YA Science Fiction

Project Universe Series: The Key (bk 1), Girl Gone Nova (bk 2), Tangled in Time (bk 3), Steamrolled (bk 4)

The Keeper’s Calling by Kelly Nelson

They come from two different worlds. One fateful discovery will bring them together. Neither of their lives will ever be the same.

Chase Harper’s to-do list for senior year never included fall in love and fight for your life, but things rarely go as planned. Tarnished gold and resembling a pocket watch, the counter he finds in a cave during the summer of 2011 will forever change the course of his life, leading him to the beautiful Ellie Williams and unlocking a power beyond his wildest imagination.

In 1863, Ellie Williams completes school in Boston and returns to the Utah Territory only to discover that her grandfather and his counter, a treasured family heirloom, are missing. When Ellie is abducted and told she must produce the counter or die, an unexpected rescuer comes to her aid.

Title: The Keeper’s Calling

Author: Kelly Nelson

Publisher: Walnut Springs Press

Release Date: February 20, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599928449

Size: 312 pages, softcover

Genre: YA  Speculative Romance/Time Travel

Imperfectly Beautiful by Diony George

At 1:30 am, in New York City, Regan Wright is ripped out of a sound sleep with a jolt—her heart thuds in her ears and her face feels flushed. Straining to hear anything out of the ordinary, she fumbles to turn on the bedside lamp. Nothing seems out of place. Suddenly her stomach twists in knots—it’s her identical twin, Rebecca. Something is terribly wrong…

Though twins, Rebecca and Regan couldn’t be more different. One chose a high-profile career in fashion design, the other chose to be a wife and stay-at-home mom, but neither is truly happy and they must discover why. When a serial killer strikes nearby, and the victim looks eerily similar to the twins, they fear that one of them could be next.

Read excerpt


Title: Imperfectly Beautiful

Author: Diony George

Publisher: DG Books

Release Date: February 16, 2012

Size: eBook

Genre: Romantic Suspense

2011 Best Book Cover

Winner of the 2011 Readers’ Choice Best Book Cover
as voted by LDS Publisher blog readers


Author: Laura Bingham
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Cover Design: Megan Whittier
Here is the award image that you may download for use on your website or blog.

Winner of the 2011 LDS Publisher’s Choice 
Best Book Cover is…
Publisher: Daniel Coleman
Cover Design: Jodie Coleman
Here is your award image that you may download for use on your website or blog.

Congratulations! I’m excited to see the covers 2012 will bring.

2011 Genre Finalist Awards

Before I announce the overall 2011 Best Book Cover Winners, here is a recap of the genre finalists and the awards. Authors, publishers and cover designers may download the award image and upload it to your own blogs and/or websites, if desired.

Readers’ Choice Genre Winners
(Click on the Genre link to see details about the cover.)

Genre: Historical

Genre: Romance

Genre: YA General

LDS Publisher’s Choice Genre Winners
(Click on the Genre link to see details about the cover
& my comments about each cover.)

The Tomb Builder by E. James Harrison (tie)
Genre: Historical

Garden Plot by  Kristen McKendry

Genre: Romance

Take the Silver Award if your book was one of the five genre finalists, but is not on the list for Readers’ Choice or LDS Publisher’s Choice.

Christmas Story Anthology Update

While we’re waiting to see the final winner of the 2011 Book Cover Contest (and my list of personal picks), here’s an update on Christmas Book #2.

First a word about Stolen Christmas (anthology #1). As most of the authors already know, Rosehaven Publishing helped me put this book together, providing the typesetting and ISBN number. We have come to an agreement to have Rosehaven take over the business end of this book and any future books that I create from our contests here—including this year’s second Christmas anthology.

Some time in the next few months, Stolen Christmas will become temporarily unavailable while Rosehaven corrects a few typos and moves it from my account to Rosehaven’s accounts.  

Stolen Christmas is NOT going out of print. It will be back up and ready for more sales before the 2012 Christmas season. I’ll let you know and provide links when the new version is ready.

Rosehaven is also sending out a one-time royalty to all the authors involved with Stolen Christmas. There are a few authors we’ve been unable to contact.

If you are an author in Stolen Christmas and you did not receive an email from me in January about royalties, PLEASE E-MAIL ME ASAP.

Now for Christmas Book #2.

I’ve made the first decisions on the stories to be included in the new anthology which will be available for sale in time for the 2012 Christmas season. The following authors will be receiving an email from Rosehaven Publishing this week with the contract offer:

  • Amie Borst
  • Angie Lofthouse
  • Brenda Anderson
  • Brian Ricks
  • Gussie Fick
  • Jennifer Ricks
  • Jennifer Shelton
  • Janice Sperry
  • Kasey Eyre
  • Melanie Marks
  • Michael Young
  • Rob Smales
  • Teresa Osgood
  • Wendy Elliott

I’m posting this list so that when you get the email, you’ll understand what it is.

There will most likely be additional stories/authors included later on, for editorial reasons—balance of story content and styles, length of book, or if any of the authors listed above decline the contract offer. I won’t know this until Rosehaven has collected all the contracts and determines what else is needed.

Congratulations to the authors listed above—and I’ll keep you posted on the progress.

The Vanishing Game by Kate Kae Myers

Jocelyn’s twin brother Jack was the only family she had growing up in a world of foster homes—and now he’s dead, and she has nothing. Then she gets a cryptic letter from “Jason December”—the code name her brother used to use when they were children at Seale House, a terrifying foster home that they believed had dark powers. Only one other person knows about Jason December: Noah, Jocelyn’s childhood crush and their only real friend among the troubled children at Seale House.

But when Jocelyn returns to Seale House and the city where she last saw Noah, she gets more than she bargained for. Turns out the house’s powers weren’t just a figment of a childish imagination. And someone is following Jocelyn. Is Jack still alive? And if he is, what kind of trouble is he in?

Read excerpt

Title: The Vanishing Game

Author: Kate Kae Myers

Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens

Release Date: February 14, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599906942

Size: 368 pages, 5×8, hardcover

Genre: YA Suspense