Darkbound by Michaelbrent Collings

There is no light at the end of some tunnels…

The New York subway system has:

656 miles of track…

468 stations…

31 thousand turnstiles…

and 1.64 BILLION fares yearly.

For six of those fares, the trip is going to be one they will never forget….

Six strangers will board a subway. But this subway is unlike the others.

This subway doesn’t take you where you want or where you need.

It takes you where you fear.

This subway…is DARKBOUND.

Read excerpt

Title: Darkbound

Author: Michaelbrent Collings

Publisher: CreateSpace (self)

Release Date: January 19, 2013

ISBN: 978-1482016994

Size: 288 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Horror

A Blind Eye by Julie Daines

Some people are born blind. For some, tragedy leaves them blind. And then there are those who simply refuse to see. This is a story about all three.

Seventeen-year-old Christian Morris decides the only way to save himself from his father’s neglect is to run away from home. On his way out of town, he finds a stowaway hiding in his car—Scarlett, who has been kidnapped from London. Blind since birth, Scarlett has developed a sixth sense: she dreams about someone’s death before it happens. And now, she has dreamed about her own.

Christian’s attempt to leave home turns into a race to save Scarlett from death by scientific experimentation. His growing relationship with the girl helps him to look past his own blindness and confront the truth about his father. But first, he must find the kidnappers before they can get to Scarlett.

Read excerpt

Title: A Blind Eye

Author: Julie Daines

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: January 28, 2013

ISBN: 978-1621082521

Size: 176 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Young Adult Romantic Suspense with a splash of paranormal (psychic ability)


Hunter by Cheree Alsop

Hunter, the sixth book of the Silver Series, is about Dray, a werewolf who feels trapped and alone in his small farming town. Dray’s world is shaken when a cute girl shows up the same time as a vengeful wild werewolf pack. With Jaze’s help, Dray fights to protect his town, but when Jaze is in trouble, Dray puts everything on the line to help the werewolves who changed his life.

Hunter is about finding the courage to step into the unknown. It is a story of risking life for love, and discovering the truth about one’s self in the heart of adversity.

Read excerpt

Title: Hunter (Silver Series #6)

Author: Cheree Alsop

Publisher: CreateSpace (Self)

Release Date: January 17, 2013

ISBN: 978-1482009361

Size: 204 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: YA Paranormal

Silver Series: Silver (bk 1), Black (bk 2), Crimson (bk 3), Violet (bk 4), Azure (bk 5)

Read to Write by Rebecca Talley

When I give my school presentations to young aspiring writers I always tell them that in order to write, they must read.

Of course, there’s no substitute for actually writing and no matter how many books you read, you won’t be a writer unless you write. But, the best writers are generally those who read.

You can read books on writing. There’s no lack of books on how to write and you need to be careful to read each one with a discerning eye. Some books will advocate one thing and others will insist you must do something completely different. In the end, you have to decide for yourself what works for your own unique writing style.

It’s extremely valuable to read books in the genre in which you hope to write. The more books you can read, the better. As you read, pay attention to how the author uses plot, characterization, setting, pacing, and description. Ask yourself if you think the author has successfully used different techniques and why, or why not. See if the author shows you the story rather than tells it to you. Watch for voice, style, and word choice.

To really understand a genre I recommend you dissect 5-10 books. Use a notebook and detail each entry with title, author, word count, and audience. Next, write a synopsis of the story. Include passages that you found particularly clever, or clumsy, and list reasons why. Keep track of the events and how they lead up to the climax. Examine how long it takes to get to the climax and how quickly the resolution comes.

After you’ve analyzed the books, you’ll find yourself automatically searching published books for these same things. In fact, once you start to examine books in this way, you’ll never read another book the same way again. The more you can understand what’s successful, and what isn’t, in books you read, the easier it will be to apply this knowledge to your own work.

Read books with the purpose of understanding why it was publishable and you’ll soon be on your way to publishing your own book.

Here are a few books I recommend on the art of writing fiction:



Rebecca Talley grew up in Santa Barbara, CA. She now lives in rural CO on a small ranch with a dog, a spoiled horse, too many cats, and a herd of goats. She and her husband, Del, are the proud parents of ten multi-talented and wildly-creative children. Rebecca is the author of a children’s picture book “Grasshopper Pie” (WindRiver 2003), three novels, “Heaven Scent” (CFI 2008), “Altared Plans” (CFI 2009), and “The Upside of Down” (CFI 2011), and numerous magazine stories and articles. Her newest novel, Aura, was released in 2012. You can visit her blog at www.rebeccatalleywrites.blogspot.com.

Unpleasant Grove by Sheralyn Pratt

Blaine Adkins was shot in his apartment between the hours of ten and midnight. None of his neighbors heard a sound, none of them saw a thing. All of them are glad he’s gone. There wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute when he was alive, but everyone knew Blaine was a killer. Fourteen months before he died, he shot a Pleasant Grove woman in the heart, killing her. And the fact that Blaine’s own body is found by his neighbor’s dog after he takes a bullet in his heart? That’s just a case of karmic justice. Or is it?

As Kathryn McCoy ropes Rhea into helping her report on the story, Rhea starts asking some obvious questions. And while Rhea’s putting together the facts of the case, she has no idea that life as she knows it is about to fundamentally change.

Read excerpt

Title: Unpleasant Grove (Rhea Jensen #5)

Author: Sheralyn Pratt

Publisher: Wicked Sassy

Release Date: January 14, 2013

ASIN: B00B1561A6

Size: 281 pages, ebook

Genre: Mystery/Suspense

Rhea Jensen Series: City of Angels (bk 1), The Avenues (bk 1.5), Welcome to Stalk Lake City (bk 2), City Limits (bk 3), Kay’sVille (bk 4),

Organizing a Blog Tour by Charity Bradford

We all carry an idea of what our book release will look like inside our vivid imaginations. People will be cheering and falling over each other to get to the pile of books. Our names will be plastered on billboards and all over the internet.

We wish! Sometimes being a new writer is hard only because the reality is so different from that dream in our heads. People don’t automatically know we have a book for sale. Getting the word out can be a lot of work. However, there are some things we can do to make our book release amazing—for us and for our readers.

Blog tours are a great way to start spreading the word. As an added bonus, the more “stops” you have will drive you closer to the top of search engines. Blog tours don’t have to cost a lot of money. In fact, I didn’t spend a dime on mine (not including items for the giveaway on release day), and yet they can be inventive and fun for everyone involved.

Writers and book bloggers are often more than willing to help out with your tour if you give them enough notice. Why? Because it drives new traffic to their sites. Even though it’s a win/win situation, it’s important to remember that they are doing you a favor.

Here’s what I learned while planning my blog tour:

  • Start early. I started 4 months before my release date and managed to grab the last slot on the one blog I REALLY wanted to get on for my genre.
  • Be willing to help others regardless of whether or not they can help you. Remember how your mom used to tell you to be the kind of friend you wanted to find? Yeah, it’s sort of like that.
  • Use the resources that are out there. (See some helpful links below)
  • Be professional. Even though you are working through email instead of face to face, present yourself with confidence. Craft your correspondence with the same care you crafted your queries. Be honest with your expectations. Most importantly, when someone declines, say thank you and move on.
  • Be prepared with ideas for your tour such as guest post topics, games, giveaways, etc. I started with a list of 12 different pre-planned topics.
  • Don’t be afraid of trying something new. Just because you’ve never seen it done, doesn’t mean it won’t be perfect for you and your book.
  • Take some time to create good headers and buttons that draw the reader’s attention and give a feel for your book, or pay someone else to do so.
  • Keep good records of Who, What, When, and Where so you can deliver what you promised and answer questions when someone asks about “the plan.”
  • Work a little every day so you don’t feel overwhelmed. I ended up with 34 tour stops, which is WONDERFUL, but if I had to prepare all of those posts within a month I’d curl up and die. Because I started early, I was able to work on them over two months instead of weeks. Hopefully the posts were better because of that.
  • Be flexible. If someone wants to host you, but they don’t like any of the topics you pre-planned, be willing to write a post that fits their blog and readers. In the end, you’ll be glad you did.
  • Show your gratitude. These people have just become a part of your marketing team. Find a way to thank them sincerely. My favorite way to do this is to return the favor if they have a book coming out or offer a critique if they are still working on that first project. Marketing is as much about building friendships as it is selling books.

Perhaps the greatest thing I’ve learned from this experience is that I can do this. And if I can do it, so can you. Here are the links to sites that I found most helpful while planning my blog tour.

  • There’s a great new site called The Blog Tour Exchange. It pairs you with other writers in your genre so you have a few sites to swap tour dates with. Great jumping off point.
  • Pippa Jay has a huge list of Book Reviewers you can sift through.

Good luck and have fun!

Charity Bradford lives in Northwest Arkansas with her hubby and four children, and firmly believes a smile can solve most problems. The Magic Wakes(WiDo Publishing, 2013) is her first novel. You can read her blog at Charity’s Writing Journey.

The Broken Path by Cami Checketts

Injured in a debilitating accident at age six, Ethan Searle believes women eye him with a mixture of pity and disdain. He’s tried love before. He won’t again. He meets his match in a precocious two-year old who loves him despite his disability, even while her mother seems bothered by everything about Ethan.

Autumn Reader escaped her abusive marriage with her beautiful daughter and a stack of fear. She can’t make the mistake of trusting a man again. Autumn’s daughter becomes enraptured by Ethan. Despite Autumn’s best intentions, she finds herself following her daughter’s example.

When her ex-husband reappears, threatening everyone she loves if she won’t submit to his demands, Autumn has to learn to trust or lose her chance at real love.

Read excerpt

Title: The Broken Path

Author: Cami Checketts

Publisher: CreateSpace (self)

Release Date: January 5, 2013

ISBN: 978-1481810791

Size: 250 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Romance

Why Punctuation Matters by Annette Lyon

People joke that I’m the Grammar Nazi.

My critique group says that I know exactly how to use commas (and then they go comatose, and tweet about it, if I try to explain why a semicolon is correct on page 5).

For that matter, rumor has it that when they speak about our group and mention members’ strengths, they bring up punctuation as my strength.

While I do know my fair share of punctuation rules, I do like to hope that in the 12 years I’ve been there I’ve been worth more than fixing comma splices. 🙂

But yes, I do care about punctuation more than the average reader or writer. Why? Because it adds nuance and meaning that nothing else can. The same words can have a totally different meaning with a few different punctuation marks.

This is true with big issues like pacing, tone, and mood.

But to make my point, I’ll go a bit over the top.

First off, read Lynne Truss’s Eats, Shoots, and Leaves (the title of which is a punctuation joke). If you think punctuation is stale and boring, read that book. I read it on the treadmill and nearly fell off, I was laughing so hard.

Truss has several other titles, including picture books. I own one of them, and my kids love it. My third grader took it to school for show-and-tell. (And probably had to explain it to the class . . .)


To make my point about how punctuation can change meaning, here are three fun examples:

1) I’ve seen this one go around Facebook under the guise of, “Punctuation saves lives!”

Let’s eat Grandpa.
(I doubt he’s very tasty)


Let’s eat, Grandpa.
(Yo, Grandpa, dinner’s ready! I’ll race ya to the table!)


2) I saw this one in college during my nerd training (read: English major studies). The professor, a woman, wrote the following sentence on the board:

Woman, without her man, is nothing.

I was rather incensed. Until she changed the punctuation.

Woman: without her, man is nothing.

And then I laughed.

3) One of Lynne Truss’s books, Twenty-odd Ducks, includes a punctuation joke right on the cover with the title. With the hyphen, the title means, “roughly twenty ducks.” If you take the hyphen out, it means, “twenty weird ducks.” So the cover has twenty funky ducks: some that are striped, one ready to go snorkeling, and so on.

Even the subtitle has a play on punctuation: Why, Punctuation Matters

On each page spread, the book has the same sentence but with different punctuation (and therefore different meanings), plus illustrations to match.

You need to get your hands on a copy. Really. As proof, I present my kids’ favorite 2-page spread from the book. It’s gruesome, which may be why they love it.

The first page shows a king strolling near a group of girls bowing and throwing flowers at him as he says, “Ah, life is grand.” The caption reads as follows:

The king walked and talked. Half an hour later, his head was cut off.

The second page makes the whole thing read as one sentence, which changes the meaning drastically:

The king walked and talked half an hour after his head was cut off.

Above the caption: three illustrations showing the king decapitated and his head talking (“Why can’t I feel my lips?”) as his body walks around.

Hysterical, if you ask me. At the end of the book, Truss manages (quite brilliantly) to write an entire letter to a school teacher on one page and then changes the meaning entirely using nothing but punctuation on the other.

Convinced that punctuation matters? I hope so. At the very least, remember point number one: punctuation saves lives.

Annette Lyon  is a Whitney Award winner, the recipient of Utah’s Best of State medal for fiction, and the author of eight novels, a cookbook, and a grammar guide, plus over a hundred magazine articles. She’s a senior editor at Precision Editing Group and a cum laude graduate from BYU with a degree in English. When she’s not writing, editing, knitting, or eating chocolate, she can be found mothering and avoiding the spots on the kitchen floor. Find her online at blog.annettelyon.com and on Twitter: @AnnetteLyon.

Need a little extra grammar help? Get Annette’s grammar book, There, Their, They’re: A No-Tears Guide to Grammar from the Word Nerd.

Dark Memories by Jeffrey S. Savage

There are things in the darkness—things much worse than the tracks and abandoned pieces of equipment that trip the children up and gash at their feet and legs—things that brush silently past them, touching their faces before disappearing again . . .

1977: In the sleepy town of Twin Falls, Colorado, what starts as a carefree school picnic ends in tragedy when six children disappear into an abandoned gold mine. Six enter the dark void and days later, only five emerge. After an arduous search, the hunt for the last child is called off and the mine entrance is blasted. Little Frankie is left behind, alone in the darkness.

He is coming.

2011: Police Chief Cal Hunt’s investigation into a recent string of bizarre murders in Twin Falls takes a chilling turn when he learns that each of the victims was a survivor of the Seven Stars Mine incident. Cal realizes that they share a dark secret the truth about what happened to Frankie.

To drag them deeper.

With time running out for the remaining survivors, Cal must face a killer that defies logical explanation. Because no matter how Cal analyzes the facts, there is only one conclusion: A supernatural force is reaching out from the depths to reclaim those who escaped more than thirty years before. And it will not rest until it takes them all . . .

Into the darkness.

Read excerpt

Title: Dark Memories

Author: Jeffrey S. Savage

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: January 2, 2013

ISBN: 978-1621080558

Size: 358 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Horror

The Change by Teyla Branton

There are only two ways to kill Unbounded, and fire isn’t one of them—as law school dropout Erin Radkey learns the hard way. By fluke of a recessive gene, she has become Unbounded, a nearly immortal being with paranormal abilities.

Erin’s Change separates her from her loved ones and alters everything she believes to be true. A week earlier she was considering a marriage proposal; now she contemplates the best way to stay alive. Caught in a battle between two Unbounded groups, she is also hunted by a secret mortal society sworn to eradicate the Unbounded gene.

As Erin plunges into this dangerous new life, she must carve out her own place in the madness, protect her mortal family, and decide which group she should join. Her unique ability is vital to both groups in the race to secure an identification software that spells death for all Unbounded—or enslavement for the entire mortal world. Some will stop at nothing to use Erin as one more pawn in a battle that has spanned centuries. Erin’s undeniable attraction to Ritter Langton, whose family was massacred by opposing Unbounded two hundred and forty years ago, complicates her choices. There are no second chances. Death, life, or love—Unbounded always play for keeps.

Read excerpt

Title: The Change (Unbounded, bk 1)

Author: Teyla Branton (Rachel Nunes)

Publisher: White Star Press

Release Date: January 10, 2013

ISBN: 978-1939203281

Size: 354 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Romantic Suspense/Paranormal

Blud and Magick by Preston Norton

Fourteen-year-old Darla has always been a little odd, from her love of horror movies to her obsession with mirrors. But she has no idea how different she really is until the day she finds herself wielding a power she never knew she had.

But having extraordinary ability is only the beginning. As Darla uncovers the secrets of her past, her world goes from dangerous to deadly.

Now she must decide which part of her she will allow to rule her heart—the evil from which she was born or the good by which she was raised.

Read excerpt

Title: Blud and Magick

Author: Preston Norton

Publisher: Sweetwater (CFI)

Release Date: January 8, 2013

ISBN: 978-1462110889

Size: 264 pages, 5.5 x 8, softcover

Genre: Young Adult Paranormal

Raggleroot by Erik Olsen

“Help me, help me, Flin.” Parcell’s arm slowly reached toward Flin in despair, and then it dropped to the ground, lifeless.

Flin darted over and snatched up Parcell’s hand.

Parcell’s eyes suddenly popped open. “If I’m going to die, then you will too!”

Flin has always known to stay away from the doors with five clover leaves. His grandmother made sure he knew that whatever was behind those doors meant death. But when he finds out what’s really behind one of them, his discovery isn’t just deadly—it’s devastating.

And that’s not the only mystery rocking Flin’s underground world. There’s the puzzle of why his best friend, Flowell, was caught kissing Triston, and the fact that an obscure stranger wants to kill him. Join Flin as he learns the true meaning of friendship in this fast-paced adventure.


Read excerpt

Title: Raggleroot (Flin’s Destiny #3)

Author: Erik Olsen

Publisher: Sweetwater (CFI)

Release Date: January 8, 2013

ISBN: 978-1462110117

Size: 304 pages, 5.5 x 8.3, hardcover

Genre: Middle Grade/YA Fantasy

Flin’s Destiny Series: Cobble Cavern (bk 1), Garden of the Lost Souls (bk 3)

A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson

The conclusion of the Wheel of Time series.

The Wheel of Time turns,
and Ages come and pass.
What was, what will be,
and what is,
may yet fall under the Shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

Read excerpt

Title: A Memory of Light (Wheel of Time #14)

Author: Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson*

Publisher: Tor Books

Release Date: January 8, 2013

ISBN: 978-0765325952

Size: 912 pages, hardcover

Genre: Fantasy

Wheel of Time Series: The Eye of the World (bk 1), The Great Hunt (bk 2), The Dragon Reborn (bk 3), The Shadow Rising (bk 4), The Fires of Heaven (bk 5), Lord of Chaos (bk 6), A Crown of Swords (bk 7), The Path of Daggers (bk 8), Winter’s Heart (bk 9), Crossroads of Twilight (bk 10), Knife of Dreams (bk 11), *The Gathering Storm (bk 12), *Towers of Midnight (bk 13). A New Spring (prequel).

*Brandon Sanderson co-authored the last three books in this series after the death of Robert Jordan. Brandon Sanderson is LDS; Robert Jordan is not.


Drops of Gold by Sarah M. Eden

When her father dies and leaves her completely destitute, Marion can think of only one thing to do—make a new life for herself.

Commencing a life of duplicity, Marion transforms herself into Mary Wood, governess. In possession of a forged letter of recommendation and cloaked in the anonymity of her new identity, she enters a life of self-imposed servitude as teacher and caretaker of young Miss Caroline Jonquil of Farland Meadows.

Her idyllic daydream vision of life at the Meadows is dashed when she finds a child desperately in need of hope, and a cold and sorrowful home haunted by the past. With her characteristic sunny disposition, Marion casts her spell upon the household and slowly brings to life the long-forgotten joy of those within.

Layton Jonquil is a man tormented by the lies surrounding the death of his late wife, but he cannot deny his growing attraction for the beautiful governess whose goodness and optimism have touched his dormant heart. Their connection grows ever stronger, and despite the impropriety of harboring feelings for a servant, Layton’s heart whispers that this is the woman he’s destined to love.

But when Layton’s fears about the past become too much to bear and the falsehoods in which they are entangled threaten to shatter his and Marion’s blossoming attachment, will true love conquer all?

Read excerpt

Title: Drops of Gold

Author: Sarah M. Eden

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: January 2013

ISBN: 978-1608615698

Size: 192 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Regency Romance

The Jonquil Brothers Series: Friends and Foes (bk 1)

Nominate Covers for the 2012 Book Cover Contest

It’s that time again! Voting for the Fourth Annual Book Cover Contest officially begins on Monday, January 21, 2013.

But nominations start now.

You have until midnight on Friday, January 11, 2013, to nominate a book cover for me to consider for the contest. I get the final say, but if enough of you really like a particular book cover, I’ll put it on the short list (even if I personally hate it) (unless it’s just really, really awful).

Here are the conditions for nomination:

  • Must be a fiction book by an LDS author.
  • Must have been published in 2012—republications with new covers will be considered.
  • Nominate your favorite COVER, not your favorite book or author. This contest has nothing to do with what’s inside those covers.
  • Send nominees to me via email with BOOK COVER in the subject line.
  • Yes, you may nominate your own book or a cover you designed—as long as you honestly, truly feel that it’s amazing.

I’d love for you to spread the word about these nominations but please, please, please, stress that you nominate based on your true love of the cover and not your love of the author or story.

Last year there were a lot of posts and tweets that said things like, “Yay, I made the finalists! Go vote for my book.” And a lot of replies that say things like, “I hope you win! I voted for you like you asked.” I truly hope I don’t see any of that this year. I want the covers to win based on genuine visual appeal, not which author has the most friends.

As you spread the word, tell your friends to vote for the cover they like best. It may very well be your cover. But then again, it may not be.

Want to nominate but not sure what’s out there? Click this link to see the 2012 titles posted on this site.

Coming Home by Annette Lyon

Five women became fast friends when their husbands were deployed to Afghanistan. But as they welcome the soldiers home, what should be a joyful time soon becomes painful.

Kim, who had a baby while her husband was away, knows how to be a mother but has forgotten how to be a wife. Nora, accustomed to taking care of herself during the long years of her husband’s absence, resents having to forfeit her independence. Jess’s already troubled marriage turns dangerous, while Brenda struggles to manage her husband’s psychological trauma. And Marianne faces her crushing loss, compounded with worry over wayward children.

Each woman must draw upon her bond of friendship and faith to find the strength, courage, and insight needed to move forward, proving that even the hardest of trials cannot break this loyal band of sisters.

Read excerpt

Title: Coming Home (Band of Sisters #2)

Author: Annette Lyon

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: January 2, 2013

ISBN: 978-1621083191

Size: 238 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: General Women’s

Series: Band of Sisters (bk 1)

Heart of the Ocean by Heather B. Moore

A dark secret . . . a grieving ghost . . . a handsome stranger . . . What more could Eliza Robinson want? Except for maybe her life.

In Heather B. Moore’s enthralling 1840’s historical romance, Heart of the Ocean, Eliza Robinson has turned down the very pretentious Mr. Thomas Beesley’s marriage proposal. As a business partner of Eliza’s father, Thomas quickly discredits the family and brings disgrace to the Robinson name.

While her father scrambles to restore his good name in New York City, Eliza flees to the remote Puritan town of Maybrook to stay with her Aunt Maeve. Although relieved to be away from all- things-male and unforgiving gossip columns, odd things start to happen to Eliza, and she is plagued by a ghostly voice. Her aunt’s explanation? That Eliza is being haunted by a woman who died of a broken heart twenty years ago.

After Aunt Maeve is tragically killed, Eliza’s life is put in danger as she tries to uncover the mystery of her aunt’s death. She encounters Jonathan Porter in Maybrook, whose presence in the town seems suspicious, yet she finds herself drawn to him. When she discovers that Jonathan’s dark secrets may be the link between the dead woman who haunts her and her aunt’s murderer, Eliza realizes that Jonathan is the one man she should never trust.

Read excerpt

Title: Heart of the Ocean

Author: Heather B. Moore

Publisher: Mirror Press

Release Date: January 2, 2013


Size: ebook

Genre: Historical Romance

January 2013 Prize Sponsors!

I was so busy fa-la-la-ing that I forgot to connect with potential sponsors for this month, so there are only three. But they are awesome! A big thank you to our Prize Sponsors! Please take a moment to learn more about this month’s wonderfully generous sponsors.

A Little Hair of the Dog by Jane McBride

LittleHairOfDogThe little adventure of a Mormon girl and her big dog…

Ann Bixby was born and raised as an only child in a small village on the banks of the Erie Canal. When she was 15 years old, the unthinkable happened. Her mother died. Deciding that living in that town without his beloved wife was more than he could bear, Ann’s father moves his teen-aged daughter to Eastern Oregon.

When 27 year old Mormon Ann Bixby returns to the small town of her childhood after the death of her father, she has no idea that she is about to become a mother—to a 180 pound Great Dane—and a lifeline to a reclusive and bitter young man.

McBride_JaneJane McBride was born in Rochester, New York and grew up in a small town called Medina in Western New York in an old farm house. The house, barn and yard allowed for a constant flow and supply of all kinds of different animals who were cherished and loved to the elderly ends of their long lives. She joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1986 and served a mission to Oregon from 1990-1991. She met her husband during that time and they now live in Taylorsville, UT with their two little boys and a whole bunch of animals. She has always had a thing for writing and A Little Hair of the Dog is her first novel.


Case File 13: Zombie Kid by J. Scott Savage

CaseFile13_ZombieKidYou hold in your hands a very dangerous record.

I have collected every side of the story and every piece of evidence on case number 13. Now, in this file, you will find all you need to follow the dark adventures of Nick, Carter, and Angelo, three boys who possess an unhealthy obsession with monsters, in a town so grisly, so horrific—

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re telling it all wrong, dude. You make it sound like it’s a scary story.

Ahem. Well, Nick, it is a scary story. In this volume alone, there are voodoo queens, graveyards—even the dreaded Zombie King himself.

Yeah, but there’s also the part where Angie gets mashed potatoes all in her face, and the part where I use my cool zombie powers to—

All right, point taken. Now, if you don’t mind . . .

You hold in your hands a very dangerous, very funny record, detailing the hilarious adventures of three boys who have an awesome obsession with monsters. This is the first volume. Read on if you dare. . . .

Savage_JScott3J. Scott Savage is the author of the Farworld fantasy series (Air Keep releasing 02/26/13) and this new Case File 13 series. He also writes The Fourth Nephite series and the Shandra Covington mystery series as Jeffrey S. Savage. In addition,  he has a horror book, Dark Memories, coming out later this month. You can visit his personal blog at www.jscottsavage.com. Or e-mail him at jsavage at jeffreysavage.com. He does school visits, firesides and book clubs.


Standing on the Promises: One More River to Cross by Margaret Blair Young & Darius Aidan Gray

OneMoreRiverBorn into slavery, Elijah Abel was destined to become one of the few Saints of African descent to receive the priesthood before the policy concerning Negroes was in place. In fact, Elijah was ordained to the priesthood by Joseph Smith himself. He served three missions for the Church and remained an active member of the Third Quorum of the Seventy until his death.

Jane Manning James was born free but was still subject to mistreatment at the hands of a white minister in her youth before converting to the Church under miraculous circumstances. It became her privilege to live among prophets. She resided with Joseph and Emma Smith and later with Brigham Young. When she died, Joseph F. Smith delivered a stirring tribute at her funeral.

These and other remarkable stories, until now lost to history, are brought forth in this sweeping saga–Standing on the Promises. From marvelous beginnings, through nearly unendurable hardships, to the bursting forth of more light with the revelation on the priesthood in 1978, the story of African-American Latter-day Saints is deeply affecting, one that will resonate with members of the Church everywhere.

Young_MargaretBlairMargaret Blair Young teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. An accomplished author, she has won numerous awards from the Utah Arts Council, including Best Short Story Collection for Elegies and Love Songs (which also captured Best Short Story Collection of the Year from the Association of Mormon Letters); Best Novel of the Year in 1992 for Salvador, and Best Novel of the Year in 1995 for Merry’s Daughters.

She has also written three plays, two of which have been produced at BYU, including Dear Stone and I Am Jane. Margaret also teaches at the Spanish Institute at BYU.

Margaret and her husband, Bruce, a professor of English at BYU, are the parents of four children and live in Provo, Utah.

Gray_DariusAidanDarius Aidan Gray has a Bachelor of Sciences degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of Utah, and has completed programs with the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University sponsored by the Ford Foundation, ABC, and CBS (a professional program equivalent to earning a Master’s Degree without the thesis).

A skilled communicator and writer, he was senior staff reporter and chief photographer at the CBS affiliate in Salt Lake City. He also worked as an assistant to a U.S. Senator on African Affairs. He’s also an independent business consultant, and a small business owner dealing with the automobile after market.

Darius presides over the Genesis Group, an official arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints organized in 1971 to support Church members of African descent. His grandfather James Louis Gray was born a slave; his great-grandfather Louis Gray was a slave near Independence, Missouri, and appears in Standing on the Promises: One More River to Cross.

Mr. Gray and his wife Leslee live in Salt Lake City with their son, Darius Aidan Gray II.


To enter to win one of these books, simply leave a “thoughtful” comment on any post on this site.

CLICK HERE for details on sponsoring the contest.


December 2012 Prize Winners!

Here are the randomly selected winners of last month’s  “Win These Books!” Contest.

Thanks again to our sponsors. Please take a moment to read their info here.


Winner: Erica L

Commenting on: 07 Snow Angels


Winner:  Josie

Commenting on: 14 A Grandfather’s Love


Winner: Camilla C.

Commenting on: 04 Black Socks



Winner:  Melissa N

Commenting on: December 2012 Prize Sponsors


Winner:  Jenn R

Commenting on: It May Not Have Been What the Mayan’s Predicted But….

Congratulations! I will contact each of you via the email address you used to enter for the contest.

Click here to learn how you can win a copy of one of our sponsoring books.

Click here for details on sponsoring the LDS Publisher website.

Upcoming Events

Do you know of a writing conference in your area or an open call for submissions that would would be of interest to LDS writers? If so, please email the information and link(s) to me to be included in next month’s post. Event posts go live on the last Friday of each month.

Note: This listing does not constitute an endorsement by LDS Publisher. It’s for your information only.


Writing Conferences

IndieReCon Online Conference
Feb. 12-14, 2013
More info at http://www.indierecon.org/

Life, the Universe, & Everything #31
Feb. 14-16, 2013• Provo Marriott Hotel, Provo, UT
More info at http://ltue.net/

LDStorymakers Conference
May 10–11, 2013 • Provo Marriott Hotel, Provo, UT
Registration begins December 1st!


Call for Submissions/Writing Competitions

Xchyler Publishing Steampunk Anthology
Needed: Classics Redux, expanded in a Steampunk fashion (7,500 – 15,000 words).
Submissions: December 15, 2012–January 15, 2013.
More info at: http://www.xchylerpublishing.com/site.cfm/Submissions/Anthology-Submissions.cfm

Michael Young Christmas Anthology #2
Needed: Short stories (500 – 10,000 words) based on a Christmas Carol.
Submission deadline: Ongoing
More info at: http://adventanthology.wordpress.com.




A Perfect Fit by Heather Tullis

Cami DiCarlo doesn’t agree with her father that her life has been stuck in a rut, so she is not happy when he forces her hand into heading up guest services at his newest five-star hotel. The fact that he unveils the existence of five half-sisters at the same time, and insists that they live together while they launch the new resort only makes things worse.

When she meets Vince, the sweet, sexy landscaper her father would never have approved of, Cami can’t say no. If only she could be sure she was on the right track—and that they will be able to stop the person who is trying to destroy everything she and her sisters are working to build.

Read excerpt

Title: A Perfect Fit (DiCarlo Brides, Book 1)

Author: Heather Tullis

Publisher: Jelly Bean Press

Release Date: December 25, 2012


Size: 208 pages, ebook

Genre: Romance

Be My Friend?

Friends, some of you may know that I converted from a Facebook profile to a Facebook fan page a few months ago. My lovely assistant told me I should do that.

I didn’t realize (nor did she) that this step would not allow me to follow you on a news feed.  🙁

Please, if you were my Facebook friend before, come back and be my friend again. Even though I don’t comment much, I do enjoy seeing your writing news. Following you as a friend also helps me know when you have a new book out so I can add it to my site. I will try not to post too much crossover info between my profile and my page, so follow me in both places.

Also, I’m just a little bit challenged technically so please be patient if it seems to take a long time for me to respond to you on Facebook. I will try to respond to your messages, your friend requests, and any requests for me to like your fan page but it may not be immediate.

My new Facebook profile is here: http://www.facebook.com/lds.publisher.1?ref=tn_tnmn

2012 Christmas Story Contest Winners

Before I announce the winners, a BIG thank you to those who voted and left comments for the stories. It’s a lot of work to read through 20 stories and I appreciate your efforts.

And now for the winners…

Like last year, we’re starting off with a tie in the first category. Both stories received the same number of votes.

Readers’ Choice—Published Author Category
We Need A Little Christmas
by Jane McBride


by Jennifer Ricks

Publisher’s Choice—Published Author Category
Homeless Holiday
by Kasey Eyre

Readers’ Choice—Unpublished Author Category
Snow Angels
by Lezlie Anderson

Publisher’s Choice—Unpublished Author Category
Missing Santa
by Rachel Kirkaldie



I commend each of you who submitted stories on your commitment to writing and your courage in submitting your story for public review. Way to go!

Each story will receive a critique sent to the email address used to submit the story. However, due to the apocalypse I mentioned earlier this morning, it may take a few weeks to get them all done.

Authors of non-winning stories, if you’d like me to add your name to your story post, please send me an email. I’ll also link to your blog or website if you want.

We’ll be doing this again next year so start thinking of story lines now! Submissions for the 2013 Christmas Story Contest will open on November 1st. Guidelines for the contest are posted HERE.